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The Prophet Muhammad’s Life As A Military Leader

The Holy Prophet of God (PBUH) is the best man that has ever set foot on this Earth. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) set real-life examples for the Muslim Ummah that can neither be ignored nor neglected. By following his teachings and real-life examples, one can gain success in both this and in the afterlife. 

But apart from his great spiritual and real-life teachings that bless the Muslim Ummah, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a notable Military leader. A leader who despite being outnumbered and ill-equipped, gained victories for the Muslims in numerous battles. 

Hassan ibn Thabit (Arabic: حسان ابن ثابت, romanized: Ḥassān ibn Thābit; c. 563–674) was an Arabian Islamic poet, a prominent companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and was known for his poems in defense of the latter. He was also Islam’s first religious poet, using many phrases from the Qur’an in his verses during the battle with kuffar. Wikipedia

Thus, today we take the story to the other side. You all already know the great teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). But today we will discuss the important battles the prophet of Allah (PBUH) fought and led in his lifetime. So, here we go. 

  1. Battle Of Badr

The battle of Badr(Arabic: غَزْوَةُ بَدِرْ) is the first battle of Islam, and is a symbol of strength and courage for many Muslims, as Muslims despite being vastly outnumbered and ill-equipped, decisively defeated a much larger host of the Quraish. 

The battle took place on March 13, 624 AD, on the plains of Badr. The Muslims number only 313 (some sources say 314, but credibility can be judged), while the Quraish number more than 1000 warriors. 

The Quraish were vastly well equipped as well, with each soldier carrying lances, swords, and armor. The Muslims on the other hand only had 6 swords in total, and the rest of the warriors were equipped with just spears. 

Although the odds were against them in every aspect, the Military genius of the Prophet won the day. Before the battle, the Muslims blocked the major wells of Badr, making sure that thirst would become the first priority of the enemy forces. 

The Prophet led the forces from the front, with his close companions fighting alongside him on the front lines, he inspired the warriors that Allah’s help was with them. Seeing their leader fighting in the first ranks, their morale boosted, and the Muslims swiftly killed warrior after warrior. The battle ended as the Quraish withdrew after suffering 70 losses including important leaders like Ummaya and Abu Jahal. 

Original Source: Wikipedia

  1. Battle Of The Trench

The Battle of the trench(Arabic: غزوة الخندق, romanized: Ghazwat al-Khandaq) was a decisive battle that Muslims fought. Quraish alongside many other pagan tribes besieged Madinah for several months. Due to the lack of city walls, the Muslims dug a trench around the city, making sure that the enemies could not enter. 

The city was besieged for a total of 27 days. Due to the lack of any notable progress, the Quraish along with other coalition tribes retreated. This strategy by the Prophet and his companions most notably (Hazrat Salman Farsi) proved extremely useful. 

Original Source: Wikipedia

  1. Battle Of Hunain(Arabic: غَزْوَة حُنَيْن, romanized: Ghazwat Hunayn)

After the conquest of Makkah, the Muslims had now become a regional power. With massive conversions in Makkah and neighboring areas, the strength and manpower of Muslims had increased. But still, there were those who wished to oppose the Muslim advance. The most notable of these tribes were the tribes of Hawazin and Thaqif. 

The Muslims advanced with a 12000 strong army, 10,000 of those who participated in the Conquest of Makkah and 2000 newly converts, these included Abu Sufyan (Father of the first Ummayad Caliph Ameer Muawiyah) as well.  

The enemy had a 20,000-strong army as well. They were stationed in the valley of Hunain. The moment Muslims entered the valley, they rained down valleys of Arrows on the Muslims. Due to the sheer pressure and loss of life, the Muslim army dispersed and the Prophet (PBUH) was only left with his close companions. 

But instead of retreating the Prophet (PBUH) along with his close companions rallied the Muslim forces and the Muslims retaliated. The enemy could not hold the Muslim retaliation and once their flanks were broken, they retreated. 

The Muslims gained a decisive victory under the command of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). 

Original Source: Wikipedia

Final Words

Thus, when one says that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was not a notable military commander, just state these facts. The Prophet was a military genius who made sure that his men would win in any tough situation. Of Course there was the will and help of Allah (SWT). Besides, the Prophet (PBUH) was among the very few military commanders in history who would fight in the first ranks with their companions.

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Convert to Islam | A Complete Guide

Converting to Islam is the first step any beginner Muslim can take to follow the path of righteousness. Therefore, being a new convert, it is important that you know how to convert to Islam, and what benefits you can receive when you convert to Islam. So, here we go. 

How To Convert To Islam? 

To become a Muslim, you just need to follow a few simple and easy steps. All one has to do is to recite a sentence which is called the testimony of Faith (Shahada), which is pronounced as: 

“La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah.”

These are Arabic words that mean: 

“There is no true god (deity) but God (Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God.”  

When a person says this testimony of Faith (Shahada) with heart and understanding of the meaning, then that person would become a Muslim. 

The first part states, 

“There is no true deity but God”. This means that none has the right to be worshiped but God alone. And God neither has any partner nor a son. The second part states and means that the Holy Prophet PBUH is the true Prophet sent by God to mankind.

In order to become a Muslim, make sure that you believe in these things as well. 

  • Believe that the Holy Quran is the actual word of Allah. 
  • Belief in the Day of Judgment 
  • Belief in all the Prophets sent by God and the books that he revealed upon them
  • Belief in the angels
  • Acceptance of Islam as their Religion
  • Not Worship anything nor anyone except God

Now that we know how to convert to Islam, below are a few benefits that you need to know about when you convert to Islam. 

  1. Liberation From Slavery

Islam helps by eliminating the mind from superstitions and uncertainties. It helps by liberating the should from sin and helps eliminating the corruption and freeing the conscience from oppression as well as fear. 

By submitting to God’s will, one does not give up his/her freedom. Instead, it helps by giving a very high degree of freedom by freeing the mind from superstitions and filling it with truth and knowledge. 

  1. Experience The Love Of Allah

By converting to Islam, you can now experience the true love of God. All you have to do now is to follow God’s teachings to Life, follow the Quran, and the teachings as well as traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 

When Allah (Azza Wa Jall) created the world, he did not abandon it to insecurity and instability. Allah himself sent a firm and steady rope, and if a human being holds to this rope tightly, he/she can achieve greatness in this life and after. Below are a few verses of the Holy Quran that will make this clear to you. 

Say (O Muhammad to mankind): “If you (really) love God then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Qur’an and the Sunnah), God will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Quran 3:31)

And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter, he will be one of the losers. (Quran 3:85)

There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taghut[2] and believes in God, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break. And God is All-Hearer, All-Knower. (Quran 2:256)

  1. Paradise After Life

Jannah, as it is described in numerous verses of the Holy Quran, is eternal bliss and is promised to rightful believers. God showers his mercy upon the believers by rewarding them with Paradise. 

Whomsoever denies Allah and worships someone else than him, or believes that God has a son or a daughter, or a partner, he/she will be doomed in the hereafter to the hellfire eternally. By converting to Islam, that person can be saved from hellfire and will enter paradise. 

“And those who believe (in the Oneness of God) and do righteous good deeds, to them We shall surely give lofty dwellings in Paradise, underneath which rivers flow, to live therein forever. Excellent is the reward of the workers.” (Quran 29: 58)

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Promo Learn Quran Tajwid Desember 2020


Tahukah Anda bahwa jika bacaan Al-Fatihah Anda salah, shalat Anda bisa jadi tidak diterima?

Survey mengatakan bahwa 92% dari 10.000 muslim masih memiliki kesalahan fatal dalam membaca Al-Fatihah.
(Recite Lab, Sdn. Bhd. ; Nov 2018)

Lantas, apakah Anda sudah yakin bahwa pahala shalat Anda pasti diterima? Padahal membaca Al Quran dengan benar adalah suatu kewajiban.
Allah berfirman dalam QS Al-Muzammil: 4 yang artinya;
وَرَتِّلِ ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَ تَرۡتِيلًا
bacalah Al Quran dengan tartil

Tartil artinya dengan tajwid yang benar. Hal ini bermakna setiap huruf yang diucapkan harus sesuai dengan sebagaimana mestinya agar tidak menimbulkan arti yang berbeda.

Ternyata, saat ini Umat Muslim sangat dimudahkan loh jika ingin belajar membaca Al Quran dengan baik. Bahkan, belajarnya cukup melalui gadget yang kita miliki. Kalian tinggal download aplikasi namanya Learn Quran Tajwid. Aplikasi ini dapat di download via Play Store & App Store, GRATIS!.

Apa saja keuntungannya jika Anda menggunakan applikasi Learn Quran Tajwid ini?
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3. Konten materi sudah tersertifikasi dan divalidasi oleh Ulama Indonesia maupun Ulama Dunia!
4. Materi yang bervariatif & cocok untuk semua kalangan baik pemula maupun yang sudah fasih membaca Al Quran
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Semua benefit di atas bisa kita dapatkan secara cuma cuma loh! Namun, aplikasi ini juga memiliki versi Lifetime Pro+ nya yang tentunya punya lebih banyak fitur dan InsyaAllah bisa mempercepat proses belajar Anda!

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kahfi 9.1


Allah said,

“And We send not the messengers except as bringers of good tidings and warning.” [Quran 18: 56]

Ibn Ashur (d. 1973) explained how this verse goes together with prior verses. After Allah stated that mankind tends to argue and reject the truth and this refusal surely makes the Prophet depressed, Allah consoles His Prophet by reminding him his missions. The Prophet’s mission is only to teach people the truth with glad tidings and warning no more else, so when they deny his teaching it is none of his business. This verse at the same time is the guide line for every Muslims in preaching Islam since both glad tiding and warning must be balance. Maintaining a balance between giving people glad tidings and making them fear Allah’s punishment is one of the most important guidance of our religion until Allah mentioned phrase “bashiran wa nadhiran” four times in Quran and “mubashshirin wa mundhirin” four times too. In fact, research proves that reward and punishment promising are potent modulators of associative learning in instrumental and classical conditioning.

The Prophet indeed used this dual function very well. He gave rewards promising to encourage people doing noble deeds. For instance, our Prophet ordered his Sahabah (Companions),

“Invite people to Islam by giving them tidings and do not create in their minds aversion towards Islam. Show them leniency and do not be hard upon them.” [Bukhari & Muslim].

There are as well verses which fill the believer’s heart with peace and tranquility and so the heart finds glad tidings in them like description of Paradise. We all feel that receiving such glad tidings prompts us to be more diligent in our worship and to be keener on obedience to Allah.

On the other hand, the Prophet was asked by Allah to warn people so they avoid evil acts. Allah said,

“O you who covers himself with a blanket, arise and warn.” [Quran 74: 1-2].

He cautioned us by telling us he has seen in Hellfire when he performed Miraj. He declared several penalties for some major sins. Allah also makes us scare by informed us what has happened to those who disobeyed Allah as Noah’s people, ‘Ad, Thamud, Moses’ Pharaoh. Until one of the great military leaders, like Sun Tzu (d. 470 BC), agreed with this when he said, “Soldiers must be treated in the first instance with humanity, but kept under control by means of iron discipline. This is a certain road to victory.”

However, both these two things must be balance. A great notable scholar, Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 855), once said,

“Both hope and fear should be equal. Fear should not be dominant, and hope should not be dominant either. Whenever one of it dominates the other, then the doer will be doomed. Because if the person prioritized hope, then he would fall into the feeling of secure from Allah’s plot, and if he prioritized fear, then he would fall into the feeling of despair of Allah’s mercy.”

Therefore, we see in Quran that verses about glad tidings and warning always come one after another. It is because the most ideal state is that we hope for Allah’s mercy and, at the same time, we fear His punishment. Allah said, “They invoke their Lord with fear and hope.” [Quran 32:16]. He also stated, “Know that Allah is severe in penalty and that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” [Quran 5: 98]. In this regard, Ibn Qayyim (d. 1350) also quoted,

“A heart is like a bird which hope and fear are its two wings.”

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#LQMeet – Ust. Salim A Fillah

.Ust Salim

Abu al-Darda’ (Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “The scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets”. To this day, many Islamic scholars still give us free Islamic knowledge in our neighborhood. Since our vision is to create the best tech solution to Learn the Quran, Learn Quran is also cannot be separated from those scholars.

On Sunday, July 29th, 2018 at Darussalam Mosque Kota Wisata, Bogor, Learn Quran Team met Ust. Salim A. Fillah (, a renowned Indonesian Muslim scholar which have written many Islamic books that very popular in Indonesia. We introduced the Learn Quran Tajwid and Learn Quran Tafsir apps to Ust. Salim. He believes that digital innovation should be used for good things, and one of that is for da’wah.

He is also very grateful in the existence of Learn Quran Tafsir, “A great thing for familiarizing ourselves with the Quran.”.

With our two products: Learn Quran Tajwid and Learn Quran Tafsir, Learn Quran is aiming to provide ummah with the best tech solution in Quran learning, so people can read (Tajwid) and understand (Tafsir) Quran both more easily with our apps.

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alfatihah 1

A Brief Overview of Surah Al-Fatiha (the Opener)

alfatihah 1

This Makki surah,as our Prophet stated, is the best surah amongst all surahs. Since it is placed in the opening of Quran, all scholars said that it is obviously the abstract of Quran as we write an abstract at the first page of our scientific research paper. Al-Fatiha is believed as a summary of Quran because it consists the three aspects what Quran itself generally talks about: beliefs, laws and stories.

To begin with, the first four verses of Surath al-Fatiha clearly rectify the principal beliefs, especially in Allah. The first name of Allah appears in this surah and of course the first one in Quran too is “Allah”, the very unique name of Him and the name which all His names return to it. Then He mentioned Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim which are considered as the two of His primary names twice that also bring one of His attribute: Ar-Rahmah (the mercy). It as well makes a sense in the opening of Quran that Islam is the merciful religion and is the mercy from Allah to the universe. In the fourth verse He declared that the Judgement Day –much less this world- is under His control beside the fact that He is the king of all kings. All of these verses throw light upon the concept of divinity and the Hereafter, since in reality these concepts form the basis of other pillars of faith which are believing in angels, holy scriptures, prophets and destiny. These six pillars of belief will be explained in next surahs.

Furthermore, the next two verses hint at Islamic laws. We will find in next surahs verses about these laws from individual worships like performing Prayers, fasting and making Dua, until social worships as giving charity, doing filial piety and showing noble attitudes, marriage, jihad and penalties.The fifth verse establishes the goal of every single law in Islam and the concept of solidarity in Islamic community. Ibn Qayyim (d. 1350 CE) wrote three volumes of Madarij Salikin merely to explain this verse since Allah mentioned there the main concept of “worships” with its broad meaning. Whereas the sixth verse teaches us to be humble even when we are the straight path because we may deviate outside from it and likewise tells us the most important thing to be asked in our Dua: “Please guide us to the straight path.”

Lastly, we see the very last verse of this surah also alludes to historical sides and stories in Quran when it speaks of people whom Allah has favored and in next surahs we will see that they are like the prophets, angels, Luqman the wise, King Saul, Amram, Anne, Mary, the apostles of the Prophet Jesus, the Seven Sleepers in the Cave until the companions of the Prophet Muhammad. On the other hand it speaks as well of people who took the path of those who evoked Allah’s anger and people who are astray, who later we will see in Quran such as Iblis, King Nimrod II, Pharaoh Ramses  II, Korah, Balaam, Abu Jahal, Al-Walid ibn Al-Mughirah, Abu Lahab with other opponents of the Prophet Muhammad from Quraish, Dajjal, Gog and Magog.

To put it in a nutshell, this seven-verse surah is undoubtedly the succinct synthesis of all following Quranic verses due to its complete elements. Therefore, it is an obligatory to recite this surah in every raka’at of all kinds of prayers. It seems that all muslims are reminded regularly from time to time with the digest of this ultimate guidebook of life. A great Tabi’i, Al-Hasan Al-Basri (d. 728 CE), once said, “Whoever masters the meaning of surah Al-Fatihah is like the one who masters all Allah’s holy scriptures.” [narrated by Al-Bayhaqi].


written by Nur Fajri Romadhon

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Makki and Madani Verses in Qur’an

Have you really know the definition of makki and madani verses in Qur’an?

We find in the Qur’an some surahs labeled as either Makki or Madani, so we must know what is meant by these terms. To begin with, almost all scholars agreed that Makki surah is surah which consists Makki verses as its majority part. On the other hand, the Madani surah is dominated with Madani verses.

Furthermore, Al-Zarkashi (d. 794 A.H.) mentioned that there are three methodologies to define whether a particular surah or verse is Makki or Madani. The first methodology is to define it based on place, the second one is based on the theme and the last one is based on time.

The first method is used by some scholars, one amongst them is Al-Mawardi (d. 450 A.H.). It defines Makki verses as every verse sent down in Makkah or places around it and vice versa. However, the main problem this methodology faces is there are verses revealed above the seventh level of sky like Al-Baqarah: 285-286 and verses revealed between the Earth and the top of the nearest sky like As-Saffat: 164-166 and Az-Zukhruf: 45. How to decide whether such verses are Makki or Madani from this point of view?!

The second procedure is chosen by very few scholars, one of them is Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 241 A.H.). It says that verses that address the people of Makkah are Makki and those that address the people of Madinah are Madani. Yet, one of the flaws in this definition is that there are many verses in the Qur’an where the addresses are not specifically one of these two groups like verses addresses all creatures.


Therefore most scholars tend to prefer the last approach of defining Makki and Madani. This method stands on the time of revelation, regarding the Prophet’s hijrah (migration) to Madinah as the division point.

Yahya ibn Salam (d. 200 A.H.) quoted, “If a verse was revealed in Makkah and along the way, before the Prophet reached Madinah (meaning before the hijrah), it is considered Makki verse. And if it was revealed after the Prophet had reached Madinah even in his journeys outside (meaning after the hijrah), it is considered Madani verse.”

Thus, those verses revealed at the Conquest of Makkah (8 A.H.) or at the Farewell Pilgrimage (10 A.H.) would be considered Madani by this definition, even though the actual place of the revelation was Makkah. Last but not least, not like the prior two methodologies, verses which did not come down in the Earth or which address people outside Makkah and Madinah also can be grouped properly with this method based on their timeline. Allah knows best.

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#LQMeet Peter Gould and Muslim Innovation

Muslim innovators has been around from long time ago. Ibn Sina and Al Khwarizmi are some of them, but now Muslim community has a new generation of innovative and creative Muslims. As we know Learn Quran has created mobile app to learn how to read Quran, named Learn Quran Tajwid. And their recent product is online Quran tafsir, called Learn Quran Tafsir.

From the other side of the world, an innovative board game is finally available for Muslim: 5 Pillar Board Game. This game is created to connect and engage people. It is an effective tool to liberate them from the gadget and electronics while learning about Islam in a fun way.

During the launching day of 5 Pillar Board Game in Jakarta, LQ Team had a quick chat with Peter Gould, Designer Executive Officer of Zileej. This time, Zileej collaborates with Republika to create the Indonesia version of this board game.

Peter Gould believes that Muslim should be constantly making innovation. With Zileej team, he wants to bring 5 Pillar Board Game to the Muslim communities around the world. Currently, the board game are available in several languages, including Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Arabic.



He also gave his comment about Learn Quran Tafsir as “A great tool for interacting with Quranic content. It’s an important efforts to help people engage, understand and experience Quran in our times.”

Learn Quran Tafsir is aiming to provide more languages to help Muslims from any countries to understand Quran for free. With the latest technology, Artificial Intelligence, this will be the ultimate Quran search engine. Hopefully there will be more features added in the near future. You can be a part of this innovation and support us with donation here.

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