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Where did the 5 pillars of Islam come from?

Muhammad(PBUH) laid the foundation for the ideal Islamic state during the ten years between his arrival in Medina and his death in AD 632.

A core of devout Muslims was formed, and community life was organized around the new religion’s standards.

The requirements of the religion developed to include several institutions that continue to characterize Islamic religious practices today, in addition to general moral injunctions.

As soon as Islam’s Arab armies conquered new areas, they began creating mosques and palaces, as well as commissioning other works of art, as manifestations of their faith and culture.

Many components of Islamic religious practices arose and were codified as well. Islam, which means “to surrender to God,” is built on doctrines known as the Five Pillars, arkan, to which all members of the Islamic society, Umma, are expected to adhere.

1. Belief in God – The Shahada

The shahada, or Profession of Faith, is the most basic articulation of Islamic beliefs. It simply states that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad(PBUH) is his Prophet. 

It emphasizes Islam’s monotheistic nature. It is a very popular phrase in Arabic calligraphy, and it may be seen in many manuscripts and religious structures.

A person must confess and act on their belief in God’s oneness and Muhammad’s(PBUH) prophethood to join the Muslim society.

The vocal statement must convey actual knowledge of its meaning as well as sincere belief to be a true declaration of faith that indicates a relationship between the speaker and God.

Other Muslims can scrutinize a person’s actions, but a person’s declaration of faith is sufficient proof of membership in the Muslim community and cannot be questioned by other Muslims.

2. Salat–Daily Prayers

Five times a day, Muslims are supposed to pray. This does not imply that individuals must worship in a mosque; rather, they should perform the salat, or daily prayer, five times a day.

Muslims can worship anywhere, but they must direct their prayers toward Mecca. As a mark of their reverence and surrender to Allah, the faithful pray by bowing many times while standing, then bending and touching the floor or prayer mat with their foreheads.

Bowings (rak’as) are a series of units that make up a prayer. The worshiper stands, bows, kneels, and bows down at each of these units while chanting Quranic verses and other prayer formulas.

These units are repeated four times at midday, afternoon, and evening prayers, three times at sunset prayer, and just twice at morning, with slight variances among Muslim sects.

 The opening chapter of the Qur’an, al-Fatiha, is repeated in each unit in a prayer sequence. 

The declaration of faith is spoken at the end of each prayer, followed by the greeting. “May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you.”

On Friday, many Muslims attend a mosque near midday to pray and to listen to a sermon, khutba.

3. Zakat – Aims-Giving

The third pillar is the practice of almsgiving. Even though it is not explicitly stated in the Quran, Muslims feel that they are obligated to share their riches with others in their community who are less fortunate.

Muslims are required by Islamic law to donate a set share of the revenue to members of the public in need.

As a religious requirement and to reap the rewards of giving, many kings and wealthy Muslims build mosques, water fountains, hospitals, schools, and other institutions.

4. The Fast in Ramadan – Saum

Muslims are expected to fast from dawn to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan, which falls in the Islamic calendar’s ninth month. Except for the sick, aged, and pregnant, everyone is supposed to avoid eating and drinking during daytime hours.

Fasting is also necessary at any time of year as a kind of restitution for different misdeeds and infractions of the law.

As acts of devotion and spiritual discipline, many Muslims observe voluntary fasts at various periods throughout the year. However, Islamic law does not necessitate any additional fasting.

5. Mecca-Hajj Pilgrimage

At least once throughout their lives, all Muslims who are able must perform the pilgrimage to Mecca and the surrounding holy sites.

The Kaaba is the holiest site in Islam, and pilgrims must visit and walk around it seven times. The pilgrimage takes place in the 12th month of the Islamic calendar.

The Qur’an gives elaborate accounts of many aspects of the ceremony, and many of these rituals are portrayed as reenactments of Ibrahim and Ismail’s efforts during the construction of the Kaaba.

The hallowed Black Stone is set in one corner of the Kaaba, and according to one Islamic story, it was handed to Ibrahim by the angel Gabriel. According to another Islamic narrative, Adam was the one who first placed this stone in its current location.

Most Muslims visit Medina, where the Prophet’s grave is located, before returning to their homes during the pilgrimage. The ceremony is called umrah if the pilgrimage ceremonies are conducted at any month of the year besides the appointed time for Hajj.

Though Umra is a good act, it does not relieve a person of his or her need to perform hajj. The majority of pilgrims do one or more Umrah before or after the Hajj.

Wrapping Up

All serious believers of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH), male and female are expected to uphold the pillars, however, this does not mean that everyone who calls themselves a Muslim does so regularly.

Circumstances change, as they do in all religions, and some individuals are more devoted than others. Age, stage of life, employment, family responsibilities, health, and wealth all have a role.

Final Words 

The Five Pillars of Islam are the key factors upon which one’s faith is judged. Besides, these pillars of Islam have explicitly mentioned the Holy Quran as well. Thus, if you want to learn about the pillars of Islam, it is better to first learn the Quran so that you can understand what the Book of Allah says about them.

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Showing Praises with Takbir


Allah said, “… (Allah wants you) to glorify Allah for that to which He has guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful.” [Quran 2:185]

There is no mercy greater than when Allah grants us simplicity to worship Him. Leaving Ramadan after being blessed with variety kinds of worship is an extraordinary God’s compassion. Consequently, Allah orders us to remember Him and feeling grateful after the end of Ramadan. He said, “… (Allah wants you) to glorify Allah for that to which He has guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful.” [Quran 2:185]

It is similar to what happened around 2000 BC when Abraham visited his son, Ishmael, in the dessert of Paran exactly in the valley Bacca (it will be called Mecca later) for the third time after Hagar passed away.

Abraham said, “O Ishmael! Allah has given me an order.” Ishmael said, “Do what your Lord has ordered you to do.” Abraham asked, “Will you help me?” Ishmael replied, “I will help you.” Abraham said, “Allah has ordered me to build a house (called Kaaba) here,” pointing to a hillock higher than the land surrounding it.” [narrated by Al-Bukhari]

Immediately after they finished building the Kaaba, they say, “Our Lord, accept this from us. Indeed You are the Hearing, the Knowing … And accept our repentance. Indeed, You are the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful.” [Quran 2:127-128]. Here they ended their gracious work by praising Allah and asking His acceptance.

Related to the end of Ramadan, our Prophet taught us to fill the night and the day of Eid Fitr with the remembrance of Allah generally and specifically with the takbir in which we express Allah’s greatness and transcendence. He said in one hadith, “Beautify your Eid days with the takbir.” [narrated by At-Tabarani].

Scholars said that it is recommended to fill the night before Eid Fitr with takbir from Maghrib up until the Eid prayer. Also note that the takbir during this period is not limited to being said after prayers, but rather it should be said in abundance in our houses and mosques and in the streets (without causing disturbance, of course).

Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, walillahil hamd. Taqabballallahu minna wa minkum. May Allah accept our noble deeds.
written by Nur Fajri Romadhon

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Have You Begun The Six-Day Fasting of Shawwal?


Allah said, “Whoever comes with a good deed will have ten times the like thereof to his credit.” [Quran 6:160]


Ibn Rajab (d. 1393 CE) said that the tenfold multiple for noble deeds is the general rule in Islam. For instance we heard many times in Ramadan that our beloved Prophet said, “Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will have a reward, and this reward will be multiplied by ten.” [recorded by At-Tirmidhi]

In this Islamic month of Shawwal, one of the factual examples absolutely is the six-day voluntary fasting. The Prophet said, “Whoever fasts Ramadan and follows it with six days of Shawwaal, it will be as if he fasted for a year.” [recorded by Muslim]

Why fasting Ramadan & six days of Shawwal is similar with fasting a complete year? Based on the general rule and the verse above, fasting for the month of Ramadan brings the reward of ten like it, so the reward will level the reward of fasting ten Islamic lunar months (30×10=300 days). Then fasting for six days brings the reward of two Islamic lunar months (6×10=60 days). Therefore, doing both of these kinds of fasting together bring the reward of fasting the whole Islamic year (360 days).

It should be mentioned as well that scholars like Ibn Hajar Al-Haytami (d. 1566 CE) stated that these days do not have to be fasted immediately after Eid Fitr; it is permissible to start fasting them one or more days after Eid, and they may be done consecutively or separately during the month of Shawwal, according to what is easier for a person. Nonetheless, even this additional fasting is not obligatory, it is sunnah (recommended), but the reward for this fasting will be same with obligatory fasting’s reward.

However, this tenfold multiplication is only the lowest category if someone did a noble act completely. Allah is the Most Merciful so He may multiply the reward to 700 times or even more. The Prophet said, “Whoever intends to perform a good deed and does not do it, it will be written for him as a good deed. If he performs it, it will be written for him as ten deeds, to seven hundred, to multifold.” [recorded by Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

written by Nur Fajri Romadhon

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A Supertition About Marriage in Shawwal


Allah said, “But when good came to them, they said, “This is ours by right.” And if a bad condition struck them, they saw an evil omen in Moses and those with him. Unquestionably, their fortune is with Allah, but most of them do not know.” [Quran 7:131]

Allah unveils the fact that paganists’ life is full with superstitions. Their unbelief in Allah makes them believe in unscientific and strange things. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines superstition as a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation. It is also known in Islam with tatayyur/tiyarah.

Our beloved Prophet stated, “There is no superstition.” [recorded by Al-Bukhari & Muslim]. He said too, “Superstition is minor shirk (ascribing a partner beside Allah).” [recorded by Abu Dawud].

Paganist Arabs had their numerous superstitions as well, one of those is marriage in Shawwal. This month was named after the drying up of the camels’ milk (tashweel), when it becomes scanty. This is what happens to the camels when the heat becomes intense and there are no longer any dates on the palm trees. Hence Arabs were superstitious about getting married at that time, and they would say that the bride would keep away from her groom like the female camel when she has been impregnated and lifted her tail.

The Prophet Muhammad -peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him- showed that their superstition was false by intently married Aishah in Shawwal, three years befor Hijrah. Aishah told her story, “The Messenger of Allaah married me in Shawwaal and consummated the marriage with me in Shawwaal, and which of his wives was more favoured by him than me?” [narrated by Muslim]

Imam Al-Nawawi (d. 1277 CE) said in his commentary on the this hadith, “This indicates that it is mustahabb to get married and to consummate the marriage in Shawwaal. Our fellow-scholars have stated that this is mustahabb (recommended), quoting this hadeeth as evidence for that. By saying this, Aishah was aiming to refute the ignorant belief of the Jahiliyyah, and what some of the common folk still believe today, that it is abominable to get married or to consummate the marriage in Shawwal. This is false and there is no basis for this belief. It is one of the leftovers of the Jahiliyyah, when they used to be superstitious about that.”

May Allah make easy for you to marry and grant you with a spouse who will bring you closer to Him and bless your marriage and let it be a means for you to become closer to Him in love and devotion. Let it be a source of untold blessings, happiness and joy and be a way for you and your familiy to enter Jannah.

written by Nur Fajri Romadhon

See here to read more explanation of the verse above in English. You are able to look for other topics with our search engine as well in English or Indonesian.

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Surah Al-Kahf at A Glance


This 110-verse chapter is considered as one of the most popular surahs in Quran. It is due to several hadiths related to some virtues of this Meccan surah. The Prophet said, “Whoever reads surah Al-Kahf on Friday, light shall shine forth for him between the two Fridays.”[narrated by Al-Hakim]. This surah which is named after its first story, Seven Sleepers of the Cave, contains a lot of interesting points of inspiration such as splitting Mushaf to two halfs since it is located exactly in the middle. Therefore people around the world recite this surah weekly. Especially, scholars and students find a number of its eye-catching aspects in it.

This surah was revealed responding questions which Madinian Jewish rabbis suggested to Quraish, “Ask him about three things which if he answers them then he is a Prophet. If he does not, then he is a liar. Ask him first about some young men in ancient times, about a man who travelled to the east and the west of the earth and about the Ruh (soul).” They immediately challenged the Prophet with these questions. He admitted that he hadn’t the answer but he said that he would have the answers in the morning. Unfortunately he didn’t say “Inshaallah (iif God wills it)”. Doubt in Muhammad began to grow amongst the people of Mecca since the Prophet still had no answer in the next morning because the revelation hadn’t come down. Eventually, after 15 days, he received this surah as an answer to the questions.

Additionally, the most memorable contents of this surah is its great stories. Since the Prophet stated, “Who amongst you would survive to see Dajjal should recite over him the opening verses of surah Al-Kahf.” [recorded by Muslim] and Dajjal is the most dangerous fitnah (trial), then there is no oddity when we find stories about trials in this surah. The story of Seven Sleepers speaks about trial of dictator leader and trial of young ages. The story of two people of gardens speaks about trial of arrogance and wealth. The story of Adam and Devil speaks about trial of Devil. The story of Moses, Joshua and Khadhir speaks about trial of knowledge. The story of Dhulqarnain speaks about trial of power.

Last but not least, this surah provides solutions of those difficult trials inside all of these stories and in other verses like strengthening connection with Quran in His words: “And recite what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Lord.” [Quran 18:27] and to be sincere and pious in His verse: “Whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord – let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone.” [Quran 18;110]. Because of this importance, inshaallah we will study one or two amazing verses of this surah every Friday.

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People of the Cave and Their Silver Coins


In January 250, an Emperor of Roman, named Decius (d. 251), issued one of the most remarkable imperial edicts which written there: “All the inhabitants of the empire were required to sacrifice before the magistrates of their community ‘for the safety of the empire’.” One day he came to Ephesus and built in the middle of this city altars for idols. He also issued an order to his people of the city to sacrifice to idols, and then he anointed their bodies with the blood of these offerings. Anyone who refused to obey this command, risked torture and execution. A number of prominent followers of Prophet Isa, in fact, refused to make this ritual slaughter and were unjustly killed in the process, including their scholars.

Maximilian, Jamblichus, Martin, John, Dionysius, Antonius, and Constantine were seven youngsters from elite families who still persisted in their faith and fled into a cave. After a while, they fell asleep overthere for 300 years in Solar Calendar and 309 years in Lunar Calendar. As time passes, times have changed from several generations and did the empire so.

When they finally woke up, they didn’t realize how long they have slept. They thought that they must have slept for a day or half a day only. And they soon feel hungry and began asking one of them for going to the city in order to buy food.

One of them said, “So send one of you with this silver coin of yours to the city and let him look to which is the best of food and bring you provision from it and let him be cautious. And let no one be aware of you. Indeed, if they come to know of you, they will stone you or return you to their religion. And never would you succeed then.” [Q. 18:19-20]

Jamblichus was selected to carry out the task, so he went to the city with the silver coins that they had brought with them to the cave earlier. Once he arrived the city, Jamblichus noticed that the city is not longer the city he remembered. People now worship Allah. He got curious, but still very careful as to not raise any suspicious, because if the Emperor found out about them, they will be killed for sure. But when he wanted to buy food, the shop owner was surprised to see old silver coins handed to him. Roman emperors always put their pictures in their official silver coins. The picture appeared in Jamblichus’ coins was the picture of Decius who had died since exactly three centuries.

His coins later were considered as valuable treasures and then he was accused to be a spy due to his long hair and nails and because of his old and strange style. He was then brought in front of the emperor to be tried. Jamblichus was surprised again to see that the emperor is no longer the emperor he knew who wanted to kill them before. This new emperor was Justinian I (d. 565) who reigned since 527, a just person and one who follows the teachings of Prophet Isa, just like him even not as pure as Jamblichus’ faith. So, he told the new king of what has happened to them and why they went to hide in the cave. Upon hearing this, the king and his men went with Jamblichus to the cave. But not long after arriving at the cave and Jamblichus met his brothers, those People of the Cave (Ashabul Kahfi) drew their last breath and died.

written by Nur Fajri Romadhon

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Equality in Islam


Allah said, “And keep yourself patient by being with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever in neglect.” [Quran 18:28]


According to a tradition mentioned by Ibn Kathir (d. 1373), the elites of the Quraish said to Prophet Muhammad, may peace and salutation be upon him, that they considered it below their dignity to sit with such indigent people as Bilal, Suhaib, ‘Ammar, Khabbab, Ibn-Mas`ud and the like who generally remained in his company. They said only if he should send them away, they would be willing to attend his meetings in order to learn Islam.

At this, Allah revealed this verse admonishing the Prophet: “Do you desire to discard these sincere but poor people so that the chiefs of the Quraish, the well-to-do people, should come and sit near you?” At the same time, this is also a rebuke to those chiefs of Quraish: “Your wealth which you are so proud of has no value at all in the sight of Allah and His Messenger. Those poor people are really more worthy in their sight, for they are sincere and always remember Allah.”

Islam declares a complete equality among all mankind, regardless of one’s faith, skin color, language, social status, wealth or ethnic background. The whole universe belongs to Allah and all the people are his creatures. Everyone is born equal and will die equal. He will judge every person on the basis of merits and deeds.

Prophet Muhammad stated in his farewell sermon, “O people. Your Lord is one and your father is one (Adam). Arabs have no superiority over non-Arabs, nor non-Arabs has any superiority over Arabs. Also white has no superiority over black nor does black have any superiority over white, except by piety and righteousness. All humans are from Adam and Adam is from dust.”

Look at our Prophet who practically dignified the second class people among Quraish. For example, after the demise of his mom at the age of 6, his father’s Ethiopian slave, Ummu Ayman, took care of him. Until he became a Prophet he still respected her like his own mother and he considered her as a family member. He also adopted a slave boy, Zayd, and raised him like his own son. After his wife Khadijah passed away, he married to a black woman, Sauda. When Muslims conquered Mecca, the Prophet had Bilal climbed on top of the Kaaba to proclaim Azan, the call for the prayer. It was done to show the people the prestige of the black people in Islam.

After several weeks at the annual pilgrimage, we will see Muslims from all over the globe gather in Mecca. They speak different languages but perform all rituals together without any difference. In masjids near our houses we notice this fact too, when rich and poor, white and black, educated and layman all stand together worship their One God. All of this equality atmosphere in Islam was introduced in the ages when people looked down at other people just because their social status or their lineage, centuries ago before the Revolution of France or the Declaration of Human Rights. In Islam anyone who does righteous deeds with full conviction and piety, becomes beloved to Allah.

Allah speaks the truth when He said, “O mankind, We have created you from one male and female and made you into nations and the tribes that you may know one another. Surely the most honorable among you with Allah is the one who is the most righteous. Verily Allah is all-knowing all aware.” [Quran 49:13]

written by Nur Fajri Romadhon


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kahf 4.1

Having Non-Muslim Friends

kahf 4.1

Allah said:
His shahib (companion/friend) said to him while he was conversing with him, “Have you disbelieved in Him (Allah) who created you from dust and then from a sperm-drop and then proportioned you as a man? [Quran 18:37]


Al-Baydhawi (d. 1286) mentioned in his tafsir that here Jamblichus (Tamlicha), a muslim, was talking and discussing several issues with Peter, who was a disbeliever in this case.

Peter was a filthy rich man. He had two wide gardens. Each of the two gardens produced its fruits all season and there was a big river between them.

He also showed off with his wealth and sometimes he said arrogantly to Jamblichus, “I am greater than you in wealth and mightier in numbers of men (descendants & workers).”

He once said as well, “I do not think that my assets will perish ever. And I do not think the Hour (the Doomsday) will occur. And even if I should be brought back to my Lord, I will surely find better than this as a return.”

However, Allah called Peter as a “shahib” (companion/friend) for Jamblichus. Just like Allah named Abu Bakr as a “shahib” for our beloved Prophet in At-Tawbah verse 40.

It means that there is no restriction to have non-muslim friends as long as they don’t insult you because of your religion.

The Egyptian Darul Ifta’ stated in their fatwa:

“Basically, the relation between muslim and non-muslims is the coexistence not the clash nor the enmity. This includes all types of humanity relationship such helping each others. In fact, the forbidden wala’ (loyality) which Allah has prohibited us from is the religious loyality upon non-muslims. The noble intercourse, aids and pious attitudes are things that Allah commanded us to do.

Allah said: ‘And speak to people good words.’ [Quran 2:83]. He also declared: ‘Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes – from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.

Allah only forbids you from those who fight you because of religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion – forbids that you make allies of them. And whoever makes allies of them, then it is those who are the wrongdoers.’ [Quran 60: 8-9].”

Similarly, Saudi Lajnah Daimah also answered in one of their fatwas, as follows:

kahf 4.2

Q: “Is it permissible to make friend with a Christian guy? He goes along with him, visits him, studies together with him etc.”

kahf 4.3

A: “It is allowed to perform gracious deeds towards a non-harbi disbeliever (a non-muslim who does not insult muslims for their religion) and to reply his good deeds or presents with the similar ones. But it is unlawful in Islam to give him wala’ (religious love/loyality).”

To put it in a nutshell, there is no ban on having non-muslim friends as long as they do not attack muslims by words or deeds due to their religion. Instead, muslims could show them beauty of Islam by their acts & words during this connection. Allah always knows best.

kahf 4.4

written by Nur Fajri Romadhon

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best 10 day

The Best Ten Days of Year

best 10 day

Allah said, “And by ten nights.” [Quran 89:2]

Ibn Abbas (d. 687) and other Companions explained that these “ten nights” refer to the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.

This interpretation has been confirmed in Sahih of Al-Bukhari from Ibn Abbas that the Prophet said, “There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these days (meant the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah).”

His Companions asked, “Not even fighting Jihad in the way of Allah?”

He replied, “Not even Jihad in the way of Allah; except for a man who goes out for Jihad with his self and his wealth, and he does not return with any of that.”

These days are very precious for scholars until they have different opinions which ten days are more superior: the last ten days of Ramadan or the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah? Ibn Taimiyyah (d. 1328), Ibn Rajab (d. 1393), and majority of scholars chose that these early ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are more valuable.

Contrastly, most muslims do very well in the last ten days of Ramadan but they forget to increase worships in these first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. Therefore, we should inform our families and friends to struggle in these coming days. Beside performing Hajj and sacrificing Qurban, there are several menus of worship to utilize this golden chance.

1. Saying Takbir and Other Sentence of Dhikr
Our Prophet said, “There are no days on which good deeds are greater or more beloved to Allah than on these ten days, so recite much Tahlil (saying Laa ilaaha ill-Allah), Takbir (saying Allahu Akbar) and Tahmid (saying Alhamdu Lillaah).” [reported Ahmad]

We can say these sentences softly like other kinds of dhikr and we can say them loudly as well. Al-Bukhari reported that the Companions, such as Ibn ‘Umar and Abu Hurayrah, used to go out in market during the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, reciting Takbir, and people in the market recited Takbir after him when they heard them. Beginning from Fajr prayer of the nineth of Dhul-Hijjah we also urged to say Takbir after every prayers loudly.
2. Fasting All Beginning Nine Days or At Least The Nineth One

All mazhabs (schools of fiqh) encouraged us to fast all beginning nine days of this month. Al-Nawawi (d. 1277) said, “Fasting these nine days is extremely recommended.” This fasting is based on what out Prophet said, “Fast during the Sacred Months (and Dhul-Hijjah is one of them) and omit.” [narrated by Abu Dawud] and the very early hadith in this article.

If we cannot do so, let us fast only the ninth one since our beloved Prophet said: “Fasting the Day of ‘Arafah (ninth of Dhul-Hijjah) will remove all minor sins of the previous year and the coming year.” [reported by Muslim]

A big number of scholars also said that fasting the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah (Yawm Tarwiyah) is mustahabb (recommended) and Saudi Lajnah Daimah released fatwa that it is permissible. Moreover, Umar ibn Khattab endorsed women to fast for Ramadan’s qada’ (making-up fasting) in these glorious days.

3. Generally, all noble deeds are rewarded highly at this blessed time. We can perform more additional prayers including qiyamul layl, finish reading the whole Quran in these 10 days, make as much as Dua (supplication), give USD 1 everyday in charity, attending Islamic lessons in masjids, visit families and friends, etc. Said ibn Jubair (d. 714) narrated, “Ibn Abbas made a big effort in worships during this period of time until I cannot follow what he did.”

written by Nur Fajri Romadhon

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kahf 51

 Saying “If Allah wills”


 Allah says;
“And never say of anything, “Indeed, I will do that tomorrow,” “except by adding, “If Allah wills.” [Quran 18: 23-24]


Quraysh wanted to challenge Prophet Muhammad because they wanted to ridicule him and show that he wasn’t a authentic prophet. They met Jews in Madina and those Jews passed onto Quraysh three questios so they could examine Prophet Muhammad’s truth. Those questions were about the People of the Cave, the Spirit and Dhulqarnayn. Jews informed Quraysh that no one know the aswers except the real prophet.

The Prophet was clueless having no answer in regards to their questions, so he told them he would answer their question tomorrow wishing that Allah would hint him the answers by sending him the revelation through the angel Gabriel. Nevertheless, the Prophet forgot to say ‘if Allah wills’ and suddenly the revelation was delayed for a total of fifteen days. This made the Prophet worry.

At this point, Quraysh began to vastly criticize the Prophet by blaming him and putting him down. They said loudly that he wasn’t a Prophet. However, the revelation eventually came and the questions asked by the Quraysh were answered. This is also the main evidence that Quran is only Allah’s revelation not Muhammad’s writing. If so, our Prophet would not wait for days to answer their questions.

On the other hand, note that Allah rebukes and reminds the Prophet not to do so again. Allah shows His Prophet the correct etiquette when he determines to do something in the future. All plans should always be referred to the will of Allah, the Knower of the everything. Who knows what was and what is yet to be and what is not to be, and how it will be if it is to be. Al-Nawawi (d. 1277) explained, “It is strongly recommended to someone who says ‘I am going to do something’ to say after it ‘In shaa Allah/If Allah wills’.”

Furthermore, saying “In sha Allah” will help our plan go on the right way. Hence, it is forbidden to say this sentence when someone is telling a lie. It cannot be translated as “maybe, maybe not” in practical terms, or most usually, “maybe not”. Instead, “In shaa Allah” is something which must be taken very seriously since it is a kind of dua towards Allah in order to make our plans easier. It is also an expression of humility and acceptance of Allah’s control over all things. We consider it is arrogant of us to surely promise that something will happen when in reality we have no control over what in the future. There are always circumstances beyond our effort that get in the way of our plans. We firmly believe that Allah is the ultimate decider.

For instance, Prophet Solomon (d. c. 931 BC, peace be upon him) once said: “Tonight I will go around to seventy women so that each one of them will give birth to a son who will fight in Jihad for the sake of Allah.” An angel said to him, “Say:`If Allah wills'”, but Prophet Solomon did not say it. He went around to the women but none of them gave birth except for one who gave birth to a half-formed child. Prophet Muhammad commented after telling this story, “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, had he said, “If Allah wills,” he would not have broken his oath, and that would have helped him to attain what he wanted, and they would all have fought as horsemen in the cause of Allah.” [reported by Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

written by Nur Fajri Romadhon

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