The Holy Prophet of God (PBUH) is the best man that has ever set foot on this Earth. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) set real-life examples for the Muslim Ummah that can neither be ignored nor neglected. By following his teachings and real-life examples, one can gain success in both this and in the afterlife.
But apart from his great spiritual and real-life teachings that bless the Muslim Ummah, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a notable Military leader. A leader who despite being outnumbered and ill-equipped, gained victories for the Muslims in numerous battles.
Hassan ibn Thabit (Arabic: حسان ابن ثابت, romanized: Ḥassān ibn Thābit; c. 563–674) was an Arabian Islamic poet, a prominent companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and was known for his poems in defense of the latter. He was also Islam’s first religious poet, using many phrases from the Qur’an in his verses during the battle with kuffar. Wikipedia
Thus, today we take the story to the other side. You all already know the great teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). But today we will discuss the important battles the prophet of Allah (PBUH) fought and led in his lifetime. So, here we go.
Battle Of Badr
The battle of Badr(Arabic: غَزْوَةُ بَدِرْ) is the first battle of Islam, and is a symbol of strength and courage for many Muslims, as Muslims despite being vastly outnumbered and ill-equipped, decisively defeated a much larger host of the Quraish.
The battle took place on March 13, 624 AD, on the plains of Badr. The Muslims number only 313 (some sources say 314, but credibility can be judged), while the Quraish number more than 1000 warriors.
The Quraish were vastly well equipped as well, with each soldier carrying lances, swords, and armor. The Muslims on the other hand only had 6 swords in total, and the rest of the warriors were equipped with just spears.
Although the odds were against them in every aspect, the Military genius of the Prophet won the day. Before the battle, the Muslims blocked the major wells of Badr, making sure that thirst would become the first priority of the enemy forces.
The Prophet led the forces from the front, with his close companions fighting alongside him on the front lines, he inspired the warriors that Allah’s help was with them. Seeing their leader fighting in the first ranks, their morale boosted, and the Muslims swiftly killed warrior after warrior. The battle ended as the Quraish withdrew after suffering 70 losses including important leaders like Ummaya and Abu Jahal.
Original Source: Wikipedia
Battle Of The Trench
The Battle of the trench(Arabic: غزوة الخندق, romanized: Ghazwat al-Khandaq) was a decisive battle that Muslims fought. Quraish alongside many other pagan tribes besieged Madinah for several months. Due to the lack of city walls, the Muslims dug a trench around the city, making sure that the enemies could not enter.
The city was besieged for a total of 27 days. Due to the lack of any notable progress, the Quraish along with other coalition tribes retreated. This strategy by the Prophet and his companions most notably (Hazrat Salman Farsi) proved extremely useful.
Original Source: Wikipedia
Battle Of Hunain(Arabic: غَزْوَة حُنَيْن, romanized: Ghazwat Hunayn)
After the conquest of Makkah, the Muslims had now become a regional power. With massive conversions in Makkah and neighboring areas, the strength and manpower of Muslims had increased. But still, there were those who wished to oppose the Muslim advance. The most notable of these tribes were the tribes of Hawazin and Thaqif.
The Muslims advanced with a 12000 strong army, 10,000 of those who participated in the Conquest of Makkah and 2000 newly converts, these included Abu Sufyan (Father of the first Ummayad Caliph Ameer Muawiyah) as well.
The enemy had a 20,000-strong army as well. They were stationed in the valley of Hunain. The moment Muslims entered the valley, they rained down valleys of Arrows on the Muslims. Due to the sheer pressure and loss of life, the Muslim army dispersed and the Prophet (PBUH) was only left with his close companions.
But instead of retreating the Prophet (PBUH) along with his close companions rallied the Muslim forces and the Muslims retaliated. The enemy could not hold the Muslim retaliation and once their flanks were broken, they retreated.
The Muslims gained a decisive victory under the command of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Original Source: Wikipedia
Final Words
Thus, when one says that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was not a notable military commander, just state these facts. The Prophet was a military genius who made sure that his men would win in any tough situation. Of Course there was the will and help of Allah (SWT). Besides, the Prophet (PBUH) was among the very few military commanders in history who would fight in the first ranks with their companions.
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