Category : Tips

Have You Begun The Six-Day Fasting of Shawwal?


Allah said, “Whoever comes with a good deed will have ten times the like thereof to his credit.” [Quran 6:160]


Ibn Rajab (d. 1393 CE) said that the tenfold multiple for noble deeds is the general rule in Islam. For instance we heard many times in Ramadan that our beloved Prophet said, “Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will have a reward, and this reward will be multiplied by ten.” [recorded by At-Tirmidhi]

In this Islamic month of Shawwal, one of the factual examples absolutely is the six-day voluntary fasting. The Prophet said, “Whoever fasts Ramadan and follows it with six days of Shawwaal, it will be as if he fasted for a year.” [recorded by Muslim]

Why fasting Ramadan & six days of Shawwal is similar with fasting a complete year? Based on the general rule and the verse above, fasting for the month of Ramadan brings the reward of ten like it, so the reward will level the reward of fasting ten Islamic lunar months (30×10=300 days). Then fasting for six days brings the reward of two Islamic lunar months (6×10=60 days). Therefore, doing both of these kinds of fasting together bring the reward of fasting the whole Islamic year (360 days).

It should be mentioned as well that scholars like Ibn Hajar Al-Haytami (d. 1566 CE) stated that these days do not have to be fasted immediately after Eid Fitr; it is permissible to start fasting them one or more days after Eid, and they may be done consecutively or separately during the month of Shawwal, according to what is easier for a person. Nonetheless, even this additional fasting is not obligatory, it is sunnah (recommended), but the reward for this fasting will be same with obligatory fasting’s reward.

However, this tenfold multiplication is only the lowest category if someone did a noble act completely. Allah is the Most Merciful so He may multiply the reward to 700 times or even more. The Prophet said, “Whoever intends to perform a good deed and does not do it, it will be written for him as a good deed. If he performs it, it will be written for him as ten deeds, to seven hundred, to multifold.” [recorded by Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

written by Nur Fajri Romadhon

Please click this link to read more explanation of the verse above in English or Indonesian:

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best 10 day

The Best Ten Days of Year

best 10 day

Allah said, “And by ten nights.” [Quran 89:2]

Ibn Abbas (d. 687) and other Companions explained that these “ten nights” refer to the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah.

This interpretation has been confirmed in Sahih of Al-Bukhari from Ibn Abbas that the Prophet said, “There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these days (meant the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah).”

His Companions asked, “Not even fighting Jihad in the way of Allah?”

He replied, “Not even Jihad in the way of Allah; except for a man who goes out for Jihad with his self and his wealth, and he does not return with any of that.”

These days are very precious for scholars until they have different opinions which ten days are more superior: the last ten days of Ramadan or the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah? Ibn Taimiyyah (d. 1328), Ibn Rajab (d. 1393), and majority of scholars chose that these early ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are more valuable.

Contrastly, most muslims do very well in the last ten days of Ramadan but they forget to increase worships in these first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah. Therefore, we should inform our families and friends to struggle in these coming days. Beside performing Hajj and sacrificing Qurban, there are several menus of worship to utilize this golden chance.

1. Saying Takbir and Other Sentence of Dhikr
Our Prophet said, “There are no days on which good deeds are greater or more beloved to Allah than on these ten days, so recite much Tahlil (saying Laa ilaaha ill-Allah), Takbir (saying Allahu Akbar) and Tahmid (saying Alhamdu Lillaah).” [reported Ahmad]

We can say these sentences softly like other kinds of dhikr and we can say them loudly as well. Al-Bukhari reported that the Companions, such as Ibn ‘Umar and Abu Hurayrah, used to go out in market during the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, reciting Takbir, and people in the market recited Takbir after him when they heard them. Beginning from Fajr prayer of the nineth of Dhul-Hijjah we also urged to say Takbir after every prayers loudly.
2. Fasting All Beginning Nine Days or At Least The Nineth One

All mazhabs (schools of fiqh) encouraged us to fast all beginning nine days of this month. Al-Nawawi (d. 1277) said, “Fasting these nine days is extremely recommended.” This fasting is based on what out Prophet said, “Fast during the Sacred Months (and Dhul-Hijjah is one of them) and omit.” [narrated by Abu Dawud] and the very early hadith in this article.

If we cannot do so, let us fast only the ninth one since our beloved Prophet said: “Fasting the Day of ‘Arafah (ninth of Dhul-Hijjah) will remove all minor sins of the previous year and the coming year.” [reported by Muslim]

A big number of scholars also said that fasting the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah (Yawm Tarwiyah) is mustahabb (recommended) and Saudi Lajnah Daimah released fatwa that it is permissible. Moreover, Umar ibn Khattab endorsed women to fast for Ramadan’s qada’ (making-up fasting) in these glorious days.

3. Generally, all noble deeds are rewarded highly at this blessed time. We can perform more additional prayers including qiyamul layl, finish reading the whole Quran in these 10 days, make as much as Dua (supplication), give USD 1 everyday in charity, attending Islamic lessons in masjids, visit families and friends, etc. Said ibn Jubair (d. 714) narrated, “Ibn Abbas made a big effort in worships during this period of time until I cannot follow what he did.”

written by Nur Fajri Romadhon

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kahfi 6.1

This Worldly Life and Water


Allah said,
“And present to them the example of the life of this world, its being like rain which We send down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mingles with it and then it becomes dry remnants, scattered by the winds. And Allah is ever, over all things, Perfect in Ability.”
[Quran 18:45]


The word “Dunyaa” in Arabic morphology is derived from the root word “danaa” which literally means to be near or to be low. This word which has passed to several Asian, European and African languages is often used in Quran to call this “worldly life” that opposes to the Hereafter (Aakhirah). It is called “Dunya” because it has much lower class than Aakhirah as it is also considered nearer to us than the Hereafter life.

Allah mentioned over here the parable of this worldly life. How it is like the water which We send down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mingles with it. It mingles with the seeds that are in the earth, so they grow and become good, producing bright, fresh flowers, then after that it becomes dry and broken pieces, withered up, which the winds scatter tossing them about right and left. This is the real face of “Dunya” which will eventually cease and come to a halt.

Al-Qurtubi (d. 1273 CE) explained in his Tafsir how compatible this parable is. He said that Allah compared Dunya to water for the following secrets.

Firstly, water does not settle and remain in one place. Equivalently, Dunya does not remain the same upon one state of affairs. Someone may be rich right now, but next month he may lost his wealth, or vice versa.

Secondly, water goes away and does not remain likewise Dunya will eventually come to an end. Some women can be proud of her adorableness when she was young, but three decades later that beauty is absolutely going to fade.

Thirdly, nobody is able to enter water without getting wet. Similarly for Dunya, no one is perfectly safe from its trials and calamities even he tries his best in swimming. We all know what will happen later to those who deeply dive or even sink into Dunya forgetting Aakhirah.

Fourthly, if you have the right amount of water it is a useful nursery, but if it goes beyond the limit it is a harmful destroyer like flood or tsunami. Analogously to Dunya, its subsistence is beneficial while its excess is harmful. Dunya is not forbidden, instead it is important in life. But it will become disaster when somebody takes it more than its proper quantity. Of course, everyone should recognize their own measures. May Allah help us to be proportional in this worldly life and keep it in our hands not inside our hearts.


Written by Nur Fajri Romadhon

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4 Things You Can Do in Ramadan with Learn Quran

Ramadan is the most special month of the year and a good chance to learn more about Quran. It is the month of Quran revelation as it mentioned here:

The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. (Al Baqarah: 185)

Multiple rewards await in this holy month. When the day is packed with our activities, you have the night to do more prayers and asking for forgiveness. You only have 24 hours so you have to make sure every second counts. Nevertheless, your gadget can be a distraction and procrastination tool, hindering you from a meaningful Ramadan. Technology should improve your productivity to and make life easier.

Here are four things that you can do in Ramadan to improve your Quran skills with Learn Quran:

  1. Improve your Tajwid skills and knowledge Learn Quran Tajwid App
    • You must have learned some tajwid rules but now there are some ayah you don’t know how to read it. You hesitate to stop or to continue when you see some waqaf signs in the middle of an ayah. These are the signs to revisit the tajwid lessons. When you’re busy, this app can help you to learn and practice tajwid anywhere.
  2. Create a plan to master all the lessons in Learn Quran Tajwid App
    • There’re 22 lessons in total. If you already master the alphabet, you can skip it. If you want to learn only about the tajwid rules, you can go straight to the 14th lesson. Make a personal plan and make sure you can cover all selected lessons in one month. After Ramadan, you can recite Quran with more self confidence and may be you can teach others.
  3. Learn one ayah everyday with Learn Quran Tafsir while you’re commuting
    • Screen Shot 2018-05-13 at 10.09.23
    • Learn Quran Tafsir is presented in a bit size so you don’t feel overwhelmed with all the tafsirs. There’s a button to show a random ayah so you can use it if you have no exact plan which ayah to learn. You can also make a plan, for example you want to finish reading all tafsirs in Juz 30 during Ramadan. You can go to the selected surah and ayah by clicking the menu on the left side.
  4. Support Learn Quran Foundation as ‘Amal Jariyah
    • If you enjoy Learn Quran Tafsir, you can support us with donation in our campaign page here or via PayPal to [email protected]. Your support is very valuable to improve Learn Quran Tafsir features and make sure more people can enjoy using this Quran search engine too. Moreover, in Ramadan every good deeds creates multiple rewards, Insha Allah.

“My Lord, put my heart at peace for me and make my task easy for me,” (Taha: 25-26)

Ramadan is a good chance for us to focus and learning more about Quran. And with Learn Quran, we can practice Quran recitation and get more depth with the Quran in a modern way. Bismillah.

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The Endless Exam-Reward Cycle

by Nur Fajri Romadhon
Whoever survives and shows his consistency upon Allah’s guidance even in difficult times, would be granted many benefits in this life even before the Hereafter according to several verses.  This pious one will carry off ease in matters, way out of problems and unexpected provision.
For instance, Allah said,
“Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is truly Most Forgiver. He will send (rain from) the sky upon you in (continuing) showers. And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers.” [Noah: 10-12]
In meantime, such merits could be sophisticated smartphones, luxury cars, wealth, beauty and other honourable achievements. But, indeed these rewards later on become other new examinations in different face. And this kind of exam in fact is more effortful than the bitter and painful ones like sickness, poverty or lack of success.
Thus, the cycle is as below:
Exam – Consistency – Reward (next exam) – Consistency – Reward (more difficult exam) – …
or as following:
Exam – Failure – Reward (easier exam) – Consistency – Reward (more difficult exam) – …
This exam-reward cycle will endlessly continue as tests of our lifelong obedience.
Allah said:
“If they remain straight on the way, We would give them abundant provision, as a test for them.” [Al-Jinn:16-17]
May Allah be with us at every step we take and help us when life gets rough.
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Persiapan Membaca dan Mengerti Kitab Suci Al Quran

Di artikel sebelumnya sudah dibahas, bagaimana aplikasi Learn Quran Tajwid bisa muncul dan dapat dinikmati oleh kita semua hanya dengan mengunduh di App Store atau Play Store. Dengan gerakan yang diangkat LQ, yaitu #PracticeMakesPerfect, LQ mencoba untuk menyuntikkan semangat belajar Quran. Masih banyak juga dari kita yang takut memulai membaca Al Quran, dikarenakan bahasa arab yang memiliki huruf yang berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia.

Pertama-tama kita harus meniatkan, bahwa membaca Al Quran untuk kebutuhan diri sendiri dan hubungan dengan Allah SWT. Bukan untuk orang lain atau untuk dipandang orang lain. Seperti dikutip dari,Quran dalam bahasa Arab berarti membaca dan mengkaji.” Selain membaca, perlu juga ada pemahaman di diri.

Menurut pengisi suara LQ Tajwid yang juga dikenal sebagai salah seorang hafiz Al Quran, Muhammad Saihul Basyir, “Belajar Al Quran berarti mempelajari seluruh cabang keilmuan yang berkaitan dengan kita tersebut.”

Kemudian ia menambahkan, hal tersebut juga dapat menunjang interaksi kita dengan Al Quran, seperti belajar membaca, belajar menghafal, belajar memahami, mentadabburi atau merenungi, dan lain sebagainya. Dari proses itu kemudian akhirnya kita menemui pemahaman di dalamnya.

Selanjutnya Muhammad Saihul Basyir atau yang biasa dikenal dengan Basyir, akan membagi tiga sub hal penting yang perlu kita perhatikan. Diantaranya:


Sunnah Sebelum Membaca Kitab Suci

Selain ikhlas dalam pengerjaannya dan tanpa paksaan, ada beberapa sunnah yang dianjurkan untuk dikerjakan sebelum membaca Al Quran.

Dikesempatakan yang sama Basyir juga menjelaskan beberapa sunnah yang banyak beredar, antara lain: pertama-tama sebelum membuka muhsaf, sebaiknya mengucapakan basmallah.

Kemudian yang kedua, pastikan saat kita ingin mulai membaca, posisi kita saat itu menghadap kiblat. Dan yang terakhir dan tidak kalah penting, mengkondisikan jiwa dan raga dalam kondisi tenang. Hal ini dimaksudkan, bukan hanya emosi, tapi juga kegiatan yang kita jalani saat itu.


Hal-Hal yang Perlu Diperhatikan Seorang Pemula

Niat! Kita sebagai umat muslim, sudah terbiasa akan sebuah niat disetiap langkah dan keseharian. Niat ini tentunya sebagai pembuktian kita untuk ikhlas mempelajari dan memahami ayat suci hanya untuk Allah SWT, bukan untuk orang lain atau menjadi orang yang dikenal karena kemahirannya.

Setelahnya guru atau seseorang yang pantas dan dipercaya untuk mempelajari makna-makna ayat suci Al Quran. Perlu diperhatikan apakah seseorang tersebut memiliki ilmu yang dimaksudkan dan kita tuju.

Selain Al Quran yang menjadi dasar utama kita, diperlukan juga kitab-kitab rujukan. Karena kitab-kitab tersebut lah yang akan membantu kita untuk memahami ayat-ayat Al Quran lebih dalam lagi. Pemilihan kitab-kitab lebih baik bersumber dari para sahabat Rosul, karena pemahaman paling baik adalah pemahaman dari para sahabat yang menafsirkan Al Quran dan Hadits.

Terakhir, setelah proses di atas sudah dijalani dan dipenuhi, perlu diingat, bahwa kita jangan pernah merasa bisa memahami Al Quran tanpa memperbanyak tilawah harian kita. Karena itu sama saja membangun pemahaman ayat-ayat di atas pondasi yang kosong.


Tips Cerdik Memulai Membaca  Al Quran dalam Bahasa Arab

Hal terakhir yang patut diperhatikan menurut Basyir adalah tips bagaimana menghilangkan paradigma, bahwa bahasa Arab susah dimengerti yang berarti lurus dengan sulitnya mempelajari Al Quran. Sebelum paradigma tesebut semakin berlarut, lebih baik baca dulu tipsnya berikut:

  1. Hilangkan stigma dalam diri, bahwa bahasa Arab bahasa yang susah, akan tetapi bahasa Arab adalah bahasa yang paling mudah untuk dipelajari dan dipraktekan. Sehingga hanya perlu keberanian untuk memulainya saja.
  2. Allah SWT sendiri yang memberikan jaminan, bahwa Al Quran, sangat mudah untuk dipelajari. Jika kita percaya pada Allah SWT, itu sudah cukup untuk kita menghilangkan keraguan dan memunculkan usaha diri sendiri.
  3. Cari teman seperjuangan untuk memulai dan sekaligus bisa saling mengingatkan kebaikan tersebut. Jangan lupa pula, “setan bersama orang-orang yang sendiri dan mereka akan berjaga jarak dengan sebuah jamaah.”
  4. Pahami bahwa Al Quran  diturunkan bukan untuk menakut-nakuti manusia, tapi juga untuk memberi kabar gembira untuk umat manusia. Hampir disetiap bagian-bagian Al Quran, selalu didahulukan Tabsyir (memberi kabar gembira) sebulum Indzar (memberi peringatan).
  5. Jangan pernah membuat sebuah target yang terlalu berat dicapai, be realistic! Sedikit-sedikit, pelan-pelan dalam belajar, tapi konsisten dari awal sampai akhir. Karena sedikit tapi konsisten masih jauh lebih baik, dibandingkan banyak tapu cepat hilang semangatnya.

Setelah membaca penjelasan dari salah seorang hafiz Al Quran, semestinya kemauan dan niat kita jauh lebih kuat lagi ya! Amin.

Ditulis oleh Fertina untuk Learn Quran.

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Interview with Hafidhah: Mega and Fatma from Indonesia

We talked with two hafidhahs, Ms. Mega and Ms. Fatma, hafidhah and teachers at Shalihah Quran Center. Ms. Mega is currently a master student at Institute of Quran Studies (IIQ) after graduated from Islamic and Arabic College of Indonesia (LIPIA). Ms. Fatma was also studied at Institute of Quran Studies (IIQ) before then continuing her education at Institute of PTIQ. They not just teaches memorization of the Qur’an but also teaches about tahsin for other schools. In this interview, we talked about their experience and advice for memorizing Qur’an.


Q: please tell us when and how did you begin memorizing the Qur’an?

F: The first time I memorised Qur’an was when I just got accepted to IIQ. It is compulsory for IIQ student to memorise the Qur’an. We have three time slots per day to recite our memorisation in front of the teacher.  But the very first time was when I memorised the last juz of the Qur’an in high school.

M: To received my high school graduate certificate it was required for the student to memorised the first and last juz. After high school I joined raudhotul hufad institution. We memorised one page of the Qur’an per day. Each year my campus also held dauroh raudhotul hufad, it was thirty days program where we go to specific place where our daily task is mainly to memorise the Qur’an. The minimum target is 5 juz and the maximum target is 10 juz.


Q: Who inspired you during your memorization of Qur’an?

F: I have a lecturer who is a really great Qori, she won international MTQ competition in Libya. I admired her and sort of inspired by her.

M: I don’t really have a person who inspired me. I think the inspiration need to come from yourself. But my family definitely supports me to become hafidhah, especially my siblings. When you memorising the Qur’an every single day, you will feel like you’re missing something if you stop doing it.


Q: How long did it take for you to memorize?

F: It depends on my mood. If I was in a good mood, it took one hour to memorise four pages. Otherwise, I only got to memorise two pages in one hour.

M: It took me one hour to memorise two pages of the Qur’an.


Q: What were the challenges that you faced during memorization?

F: The biggest challenge is my own laziness, also gadget and social media.

M: Some of them were homeworks, thesis deadlines, and laziness. But we can not use that as excuses. The other challenge is that sometimes we can not decide either to do murajaah (repeating the memorisation) of previous verses or to continue memorising new verses. The correct one should be doing both of them even though sometimes the progress is not that much.


Q: How did you stay focused on your goal?

F: I need to remember my motivation again.

M: Have target. Every day we need to spare some time to memorise the Qur’an. Fortunately I used to stay in Qur’an/Islam dormitory. The recite schedule in the dormitory was after Ashar, and because all the residents have the same schedule, it is mandatory for us to be there every time. My target was one hour per day.


books, cup, drink


Q: What / whom motivates you daily?

F: Remembering my parents always motivates me. I remember their struggle and them working hard to sent me to study here, and all the love they give me. I want to pay them back with this deed.

M: We need to keep motivate ourselves. My first motivation is from a hadist. Mu’aadh al-Juhani narrates that the Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Whosoever recites the Quran and practices upon its injunctions, the reciter’s parents will be given a crown on the day of Qiyaamat. The brightness of that crown will be more intense than the brightness of the sun in your actual house”.

What motivates me daily is my wish to give my parent a crown in akhirah. My second motivation is that memorisation is a kind of workout for our brain. Memorising is a  practice in which you force your mind to to work hard by memorizing few passages which keeps it in good health, so InsyaAllah it will help our dunya matters as well.


Q: Do you have any favourite Al-Qur’an verse or surah?

F: Yes I have. One of my favourite verse is surah Al-An’am verse 74.

“And [mention, O Muhammad], when Ibrahim said to his father Azar, “Do you take idols as deities? Indeed, I see you and your people to be in manifest error.”

This verse is the beginning of the Ibrahim’s story finding God, it was easy for me to memorise this verse and the next verses because of the story behind it. My favourite surah is surah Ar-Rahman. I also like it because that Surah was easy to memorised.

M: Same with Fatma, my favourite surah is surah Ar-Rahman and my favourite verse is from Ar-Rahman as well, the staple verse,

“So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?”

This verse always reminds me to be grateful towards Allah.


Q: As a Qur’an teacher, what do you feel the biggest challenges on teaching students is?

F: I teach at Quran Islamic High School, where its compulsory for student to memorise the Qur’an. All students are go straight to memorising even though some of them does not have a good tahsin (tahsin could mean two things, tajweed and makhorijul huruf). It’s hard to correct the tahsin when they already had the verses memorised. Thankfully it’s not allowed to bring phone to this school so there’s not much distraction caused by gadget.

M: I teach old ladies, and some of their makhorijul huruf are already imprinted from decades of incorrect practice, so it’s hard to teach them the right one.


Q: What advise would you offer to those currently memorizing Qur’an?

F: Put your distractions (phone or gadget or etc) far away from you. Dedicate certain time for you to memorise the Qur’an, maybe only one hour per day or maybe one juz per day.

M: Plant a strong azzam (intention) and you must have target. Not only for memorising the Qur’an but everything in life need target. If you really really want to memorised the Qur’an you need to have a strong azzam and target, both need to be existed hand in hand. We also need to allot specific time per day to memorise and recite the Qur’an.


Q: What are the different ways that can be used to motivate our sisters or brothers to memorize the Qur’an?

F: We know that we can not repay all of the things that our parents did for us. We can make them proud and pleased by memorise the Qur’an. The parents of the child who strives to memorise the Qur’an also receive abundant amounts of rewards and blessings from Allah.

M: To those who want to memorize but feel that they don’t have the time, just start. Start even if it is just two lines a day. And don’t forget to be consistent with it. Allah will give us barakah and we will be amazed on how much we are able to achieve just through being consistent, no matter how little we are able to memorize. The key is doing with sincerity and consistency.


Do you have productive tips on memorizing the Qur’an? Share your tips with and let’s learn from each other!


Written by Retno Larasati for Learn Quran

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Tips Menghafal Qur’an Bagian Kedua (terakhir)

Kelanjutan dari Tips Menghafal Qur’an Bagian Pertama.


Ketika menghafal

Tiap insan berbeda. Aku, kau, jua ia masing-masing memiliki cara. Ada yang memiliki tipe belajar audio, visual maupun kinestetik. Tips berikut bisa disesuaikan sesuai karakter individu masing-masing.


  • Mengulang ayat

Ulanglah setiap ayat sebanyak minimal 20 kali dengan kondisi mata terbuka melihat mushaf, tidak boleh tidak. Proses tersebut merupakan perekaman secara visual yang dilakukan oleh kedua mata. Lakukanlah dengan suara yang lantang dan konsisten, lantaran telinga pun ikut melakukan proses perekaman tersebut. Jangan lupa untuk tetap fokus saat membaca dengan membayangkan makna maupun rangkaian cerita yang disampaikan kalamullah.

Ketika satu ayat sudah dihafal, maka hafalkan ayat berikut dengan metode yang sama. Ketika ayat satu dan dua sudah hafal maka gabungkanlah dan ulangi ayat. Begitupun seterusnya.

Jumlah pengulangan masing-masing orang pun sejatinya berbeda-beda, semakin banyak mengulang menyebabkan semakin banyak waktu yang kita gunakan bersama Qur’an. Artinya, Qur’an sedang ingin kita terus membersamainya. Berbahagialah!


  • Bagi menjadi beberapa bagian

Dalam satu halaman Qur’an yang umum digunakan terdapat 15 baris. Bagilah ayat-ayat tersebut menjadi empat bagian untuk memudahkan kita dalam mengulang-ulang ayat. Setelah keempat bagian dihafalkan, maka gabunglah hafalan dari awal hingga akhir baris.


  • Menulis ayat

Pernahkah kalian mendengar pernyataan ulama bahwa, satu kali menulis hafalan sama dengan mengulang hafalan sejumlah sepuluh kali? Metode ini patut untuk dicoba. Sebab dalam proses menulis terdapat proses transfer tulisan yang begitu detail dan mendalam.


  • Gunakan mushaf per kata

Jika belum memiliki mushaf per kata, maka tak perlu ragu untuk merogoh sedikit kocek untuk membeli Qur’an baru. Ini  namanya investasi akhirat. Cukup sekali seumur hidup karena ia takkan habis termakan zaman.  Pun harganya tak semahal koleksi novel-novel kita yang terpajang di lemari.


  • Jangan berganti mushaf

Jika sudah menetapkan untuk menghafal, gunakanlah mushaf yang sama hingga hafalan tuntas disetorkan. Banyak perbedaan terkait peletakan kata per kata pada beberapa mushaf. Hal inilah yang menjadi alasan utama mengapa perlu konsisten dalam memakai mushaf. Dikhawatirkan perekaman visual otak terganggu karena posisi yang berubah-ubah.


  • Memahami Makna

Al-Qur’an diturunkan sebagai pedoman hidup manusia. Takkan ada petunjuk jika maksud dan maknanya pun belum sanggup kita terima. Hafalkanlah dengan memahami makna yang ingin Allah sampaikan agar lebih melekat dan senantiasa mudah diingat. Jadikan ayat-ayat yang kita hafal tak hanya menjadi lantunan-lantunan yang sekedar menggerakan bibir, namun jua menggetarkan hati.


  • Berilah waktu khusus

Sediakan waktu khusus setiap hari, misal pukul 05.00-06.00 secara persisten. Salah satu waktu yang paling dianjurkan untuk menghafal adalah saat subuh, waktu yang diberkahi. Pikiran pun masih segar, belum ada beban yang menerpa di hari itu hingga menghafal pun terasa lebih mudah.

“Ya Allah, berkatilah umatku di pagi hari.” (H.R. Abu Dawud, al- Tirmidzi dan Ibnu Majah)

Ber-qur’an di waktu pagi juga dapat memberi energi positif yang berdampak baik terhadap aktivitas kita sehari penuh.


  • Mendengarkan Muratal Berulang

Kini banyak sekali aplikasi pengulangan ayat Qur’an yang membantu para hamilul Qur’an untuk menambah hafalannya. Beberapa diantaranya Al Quran Indonesia dan Ayat-Al Quran. Suara syaikh yang beragam dengan jumlah pengulangan yang bisa diatur, akan memudahkan otak merekam rangkaian kata maupun irama yang terlantun.


  • Temukan lokasi dan posisi favoritmu

Kriteria tempat nyaman setiap orang berbeda-beda. Carilah spot menghafal yang membuat jiwa semakin syahdu ketika membaca pesan cinta-Nya . Ada tipe penyendiri yang hobi memenuhi sudut ruang, ada pula yang cenderung mendamba area terbuka. Hindari posisi tubuh yang menyebabkan cepat lelah bahkan mengundang kantuk! Jika kantuk menyerang, bersegeralah untuk wudhu atau terapkan posisi berdiri dalam menghafal.


  • Jangan putus asa, ikhtiarlah tanpa batas

Bagi sebagian orang, menghafal memerlukan perjuangan khusus yang membuatnya terseok-seok. Berjam-jam menghafal hanya mendapat sedikit bagian.  Ibarat dihadapkan pada jalan mendaki setelah puluhan jam berlari; lelah seakan ingin berserah. Namun percayalah, ia hanya sejumput rayuan syaithan yang sejatinya lemah lagi harus dilawan. Yakin akan janji Allah dalam QS Al-Qamar : 17, kan? Segalanya mungkin dengan izin Allah ☺


Pasca menghafal

  • Miliki Lingkungan Mendukung

Allah telah menjanjikan Qur’an mudah untuk dihafal dan dipelajari. Tentu harus didukung dengan ikhtiar-ikhtiar yang maksimal dari setiap diri. Salah satunya mencari lingkungan yang memiliki visi yang sama; menghafal Qur’an. Metode ini merupakan salah satu yang cukup ampuh untuk menjaga konsistensi kita dalam menghafal. Ada kenikmatan ber-Qur’an yang terasa jauh berbeda ketika dilakukan dengan bersama-sama. Selain itu, kebersamaan dengan para calon keluarga Allah juga akan menumbuhkan semangat ber- fastabiqul khairat.


  • Muraja’ah (Mengulang Hafalan)

Percaya ataupun tidak, menambah hafalan itu jauh lebih mudah dibandingkan menjaganya. Ada kobaran semangat yang besar ketika hafalan kita bertambah dan bertambah. Jika sudah pernah menghafal, maka jagalah hafalan tersebut dengan senantiasa mengulangnya.

Cara muraja’ah yang ideal adalah jumlah hafalan dibagi 7 hari. Misal, hafalan yang dimiliki adalah 7 juz, maka ulanglah hafalan tersebut satu juz tiap harinya agar semua terputar dalam satu pekan.


  • Tasmi’ (Memperdengarkan Hafalan)

Memperdengarkan hafalan kepada orang lain adalah sarana penjagaan hafalan agar tetap akurat sesuai dengan yang Allah turunkan. Selain itu, tasmi’ menjadikan hafalan yang kita miliki semakin lancar.


  • Ulangi saat Tahajjud

Tahajjud adalah ladang bagi para penghafal Qur’an. Hafalan-hafalan yang telah disetorkan kepada musyrif/ah, alangkah indahnya jika kemudian disetorkan dihadapan Allah melalui shalat malam; saat sunyi dimana orang-orang lelap tertidur. Kekhusyukan terasa begitu maksimal di waktu emas ini. Takkan ada yang mengingatkan, tak ada yang mengoreksi hafalan yang salah saat shalat. Otak pun dengan sendirinya akan memaksa bekerja lebih keras mengingat hafalan ketika ada yang terlupa. Inilah kekuatannya.

Waktu yang panjang pada dini hari ini membuat diri lebih fokus untuk memuraja’ah hafalan tanpa distraksi dari lingkungan sekitar.


  • Jaga diri dari maksiat

Imam Syafi’i rahimahullah pernah berkata,

Aku pernah mengadukan kepada Waki’ tentang jeleknya hafalanku. Lalu beliau menunjukiku untuk meninggalkan maksiat. Beliau memberitahukan padaku bahwa  ilmu adalah cahaya dan cahaya Allah tidaklah mungkin diberikan pada ahli maksiat.

Maksiat itu bagaikan scenes horror yang akan menghantui pikiran terus menerus, lalu memecah konsentrasi dan akhirnya mengacaukan hafalan.

Maksiat itu bagaikan lemak yang ada di saluran pembuluh darah. Makin banyak dan menumpuk, maka semakin menyumbat dan menghambat!

Intinya, maksiat membuat kita jauh dan malas dekat-dekat dengan Qur’an. Menyedihkan, bukan?


Metode menghafal sangatlah banyak dan beragam. Tak perlu semua langkah harus diterapkan jika ingin menghafal Qur’an. Sebab, tujuan yang serupa tak mesti dilalui dengan jalur yang sama bukan? Masing-masing bisa disesuaikan tergantung bagaimana individunya.

Menjadi hafidz-hafidzah bukanlah tentang seberapa banyak ayat yang mampu kita hafal, namun seberapa banyak waktu yang mampu kita luangkan bersama Qur’an. Tanamkan dalam jiwa, bahwa menghafal itu bukan untuk khatam, melainkan untuk tetap setia membersamai  Qur’an hingga ajal datang menjelang.

Selamat bermesraan dengan Qur’an, duhai para calon keluarga Allah. ☺


Ditulis oleh Defani Herbiana Arima untuk Learn Quran

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Tips Menghafal Qur’an Bagian Pertama

 “Gimana sih metode menghafal Qur’an yang baik?”

“Kak tips menghafal dong.”

“Sharing dong ukh tips menghafal Quran-nya gimana.”

Beberapa kalimat serupa yang seringkali menghujani  para penghafal Qur’an. Bak teka-teki yang tak jua terungkap hingga khalayak terus terjerat pada pertanyaan yang sama; bagaimana metode menghafal?

Terdapat dua jenis kiat dalam menghafal  Qur’an. Diantaranya bersifat teknis, berupa  mekanisme yang dilakukan saat menghafal, dan yang lainnya bersifat non teknis, berupa persiapan sebelum menghafal. Banyak orang bertanya dan terfokus pada hal yang bersifat teknis. Dan sayangnya, seringkali abai bahwa ada hal lain yang jauh lebih krusial dibandingkan metode, yakni persiapan ruhiyah.

Terdapat 4 persiapan ruhiyah yang patut diperhatikan.

  • Ikhlaskan niat

Niat adalah salah satu hal yang paling vital yang terletak di hati. Luruskan niat hanya karena mengharap ridha Allah dan kehidupan hari akhir yang abadi. Bertanya skeptislah terhadap diri, “Wahai hati, untuk apa dan siapa kau menghafal?”


  • Bersihkan hati

Hati yang berpenyakit jauh lebih berbahaya dibanding sakitnya jasmani, sebab lebih sulit terdeteksi, sulit diobati. Hati akan mencerminkan bagaimana manusia bersikap.

Diantara penyakit hati diantaranya hasad, su’udzon, takabbur, riya’, ujub dan  kikir. Seluruhnya harus lekas dilenyapkan sebelum hati yang kotor semakin mengerak dan kian sulit untuk dibersihkan.


  • Tingkatkan takwa

Bila kita sudah berambisi untuk menghafal maka tingkatkanlah takwa. Jadilah pribadi yang taat perintah-Nya dan meninggalkan larangan-Nya. Upaya ini sebagai bagian untuk mencari ridha Allah agar langkah kita senantiasa dimudahkan. Sebab metode sehebat apapun yang diterapkan, ikhtiar sekeras apapun, jika Allah tidak berkehendak maka segala sesuatunya takkan pernah bisa terjadi.


  • Perbaiki adab

“Terapkan adab sebelum mencari ilmu, carilah ilmu sebelum beramal”

Adab berarti sikap, tata karma dan perilaku yang mencerminkan nilai-nilai sopan santun, kebaikan dan budi pekerti.

Adab adalah akar dari amalan yang kita lakukan sehari-hari.  Adab yang baik akan membuahkan keberkahan ilmu. Sebagai seorang penghafal Qur’an, beberapa adab yang perlu diperhatikan diantaranya; adab terhadap guru dan adab terhadap Al-Qur’an.

Setelah diri dan hati siap untuk menerima ilmu, barulah berlanjut ke dalam persiapan menghafal itu sendiri.

Metode menghafal dapat terbagi menjadi 3 bagian yaitu pra, ketika dan pasca menghafal.

Pra Menghafal

  • Ketahui fadhillahnya

Dalam kitab At-Tibyan karangan Imam Nawawi, dipaparkan dengan jelas belasan keutamaan bagi para penghafal Qur’an yang bersumber dari hadits dan Qur’an itu sendiri. Sebagian diantaranya ialah menjadi sebaik-baiknya manusia, ditinggikan derajatnya, dibersamakan dengan malaikat yang mulia, menjadi syafa’at  pada hari kiamat, menjadi orang yang berhak diberi rasa iri, memberi mahkota bercahaya kepada orangtua di hari kiamat, dll.

Kenikmatan yang tak fana ini tentu sangat menggiurkan bukan?


  • Mulailah dengan segera

Ketika kenginan dan tekad sudah bulat untuk menghafal, bersegeralah untuk memulai tanpa tunda. Ingatlah bahwa syaithan itu hobi menggoda!


  • Tulislah target

Sebagian orang menganggap sepele sebuah target. Padahal dengan target kita mampu mengontrol capaian yang akan kita raih. Tak hanya itu, target juga dapat mengembalikan daya juang yang meluntur ketika diri mulai futur. Pada tiap akhir pekan, jangan lupa untuk mengevaluasi target yang kita miliki. Dan susunlah rencana serta strategi baru untuk menghadapi pekan-pekan berikutnya!


  • Berdo’a

Rasulullah mengatakan, “Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu adalah murah hati dan pemalu. Jika hamba-Nya mengangkat tangannya kepada-Nya (dalam permohonan) Ia menjadi malu untuk mengembalikan mereka dalam keadaan kosong. “(H.R. Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Tirmidzi)

Ikhtiar tentu perlu diiringi dengan do’a. Berdo’alah dengan penuh harap kepada Allah untuk dimudahkan dan diberkahi dalam menghafal, terlebih diwaktu-waktu mustajab. Mohonkan pula do’a dari orangtua agar kian mendekatkan ridha-Nya

Rasulullah bersabda kepada Amiril Mukminin:”Aku akan mengajarkanmu sebuah doa yang membuat dirimu tidak akan melupakan ayat-ayat al-Quran.”

’اللهم ارحمني بترك معاصيك أبداً ما أبقيتني، وارحمني من تكلف ما لا يعنني، وارزقني حسن المنظر فيما يرضيك عني، وألزم قلبي حفظ كتابك كما علمتني، وارزقني أن أن أتلوه على النحو الذي يرضيك عني. اللهم نور بكتابك بصري، واشرح به صدري، وفرح به قلبي، وأطلق به لساني، واستعمل به بدني، وقوني على ذلك، وأعني عليه إنه لا معين عليه إلا أنت، لا إله إلا أنت‘

Ya Allah Swt rahmati untuk (dapat) meninggalkan maksiat kepada-Mu selamanya selagi engkau masih memberi kesempatan kepadaku. Kasihani diriku dari hal yang tak sanggup aku pikul. Karunialiah aku itikad baik dan ketertarikan kepada hal yang Engkau sukai. Teguhkan hatiku untuk menghafal kitab-Mu sebagaimana Engkau ajarkan kepadaku. Karuniailah aku untuk (dapat) membacanya sesuai yang Engkau sukai. Ya Allah dengan kitab-Mu terangilah penglihatanku, lapangkanlah dadaku, bahagiakan diriku, bebaskan (belenggu) lidahku, terapkanlah kepada badanku, kokohkanlah diriku atasnya dan bantulah diriku untuk hal tersebut, sesungguhnya tiada penolong untuk hal tersebut kecuali Engkau, tiada tuhan selain Engkau.

Tips Menghafal Qur’an bersambung ke bagian 2  >>


Ditulis oleh Defani Herbiana Arima untuk Learn Quran

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4 Muslim Women Role Models Everyone Should Look Up To

Other than the obvious Khadijah bint Khuwaylid and Aisha bint Abu Bakr, here is the list of five muslim women role models who you probably have not heard before:


  1. Nusaybah bint Ka’ab

Nusaybah is one of the few Sahabiyat who physically fought in battle in defense of the Messenger of Allah SWT and an advocate for Muslim women’s rights.She took part in numerous major events, including The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, Battle of Uhud, Battle of Hunayn, Battle of Khaybar, and Battle of Yamamah.

Nusaybah bint Ka’ab is most famous for her brave efforts in defending Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Battle of Uhud. Like many other Sahabiyat, Nusaybah was initially there to aid the soldiers during battle. In excitement of perceived victory, the Muslim archers on the hill deserted their positions and neglected Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) orders to never leave their position. This left him (PBUH), and a handful of companions vulnerable to their enemies, including Nusaybah. The tide of the battle had changed.

Nusaybah, then, picked up a sword and arrows, and rushed to the defense of the Messenger of Allah. She struck fatal blows to her opponents with her swords and shot arrows at them to protect the Prophet (PBUH). He (PBUH) himself said, “Wherever I turned, left or right, on the Day of Uhud, I saw her fighting for me.” Near the end, she was inflicted with 13 wounds. At Nusaybah’s request, the Prophet (PBUH) asked Allah (SWT) to make them his companions in the Paradise. She was content, as this was her only aspiration.

She was not only brave on the battlefield, but also in her efforts as an advocate for Muslim women. She asked the Prophet (PBUH) why the Qur’an only mentioned men, and not women. Soon thereafter, Ayah 35 of Surah Al’Ahzab was revealed:

Indeed, the Muslim men and Muslim women, the believing men and believing women, the obedient men and obedient women, the truthful men and truthful women, the patient men and patient women, the humble men and humble women, the charitable men and charitable women, the fasting men and fasting women, the men who guard their private parts and the women who do so, and the men who remember Allah often and the women who do so – for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.”

She let nothing stop her from defending Islam and the Messenger of Allah. Nusaybah was outspoken and remained true to her deen. Ambitious, loyal, devoted, brave and empowered, she possessed qualities we all strive to have.


2. Zubaidah bint Ja’far

Zubaidah bint Ja’far is known as a woman of strong intellect and deep compassion. She used the enormous wealth and power derived from her position as the wife of the fifth Abbasid Caliph, Harun al-Rashid, to serve others as well as to promote Islam. The Abbasid Caliphate was the third Islamic caliphate and lasted from 750 to 1258. This period is commonly referred to as the “Islamic Golden Age” due to the sheer number of scientific, literary, philosophical, and technological contributions from the Muslim community during this period.

Zubaidah bint Ja’far had the privilege of growing up in this environment where the society had respect for knowledge. Thanks to her access to learning opportunities as well as a powerful intelligence, Zubaidah was well versed in the Holy Quran and Hadith. She is even thought to have put her money to use creating jobs for female reciters of the Quran within her living quarters so that she could hear the words that were so close to her heart. Some sources even describe her apartments as having sounded “like a beehive,” due to the murmur of constant recitation of the holy book.

In addition to this considerable religious knowledge and devotion, Zubaidah was an avid patron of the arts and sciences. She wrote several well-known poems herself and was always keen for opportunities of discussion and further learning. She and her husband, Caliph Harun, were even featured in several stories that Scheherazade told the King in “One Thousand and One Nights!”

Perhaps her greatest and most well-known feat from both an engineering and social service perspective was the design and implementation of a water well system along the path from Zufah in present day Iraq to Mecca. Disturbed by the difficulties facing her fellow Muslims when they made Hajj, Zubaidah set out to ease the journey for pilgrims on their way to Mecca. Hiring a team of skilled engineers and putting her wealth at their disposal, the devout Zubaidah stopped at nothing, ensuring that Muslims would travel in greater comfort along Darb Zubaidah (“Zubaidah’s” Way) for centuries to come. Indeed, the route along which she had commissioned the creation of this well system soon become essential to regional trade and the remains of an aqueduct dating from that period and known as “Zubaidah’s River” can still be seen today near Mount Arafat, east of Mecca.


3. Sumayyah bint Khayyat

Sumayyah bint Khayyat was the first woman to be martyred and the first person to give her life for the sake of Islam. Before Sumayyah accepted Islam, she was a slave in Mecca. When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) began preaching the religion of Islam, there were around 7 people who said the shahada, or declaration of faith. Summayyah bint Khayyat was one of these 7 who boldly and confidently declared her dedication to Allah (SAW) and his Messenger (PBUH). It is quite interesting to note that at the time Islam was introduced, the circumstances in Mecca were hostile, and women were treated horribly. However, when a former slave wished to accept Islam, she was allowed and treated with as much respect as any other man who had accepted the religion.

Over time, many people began accepting Islam, men and women both. Of course, this was angering news for the non-believers in Mecca. Converts of Islam were threatened and told to give up the religion they had accepted. Some of these Muslims were wealthy and powerful, and came from families with a higher status and rank than others. Sumayyah, who had been a slave prior to Islam, was one of the many Muslims who had no class to protect her. Thus, she along with her husband and son were amongst the many newly converted Muslims who were tortured and beaten simply for the religion they believed in. Those who tortured Sumayyah gave her the “opportunity” to renounce her faith to save herself and her family from the beatings and torture. Of course, Sumayyah denied over and over again, despite the fact that the religion does allow “giving up Islam” in front of one’s’ oppressors if it came to saving his or her life. Still, however, Islam’s first heroine continued to speak against the face of denying God’s word.

Eventually the torturing got out of hand. Abu Jahl proceeded to torture Summayyah. Abu Jahl asked her repeatedly if she would give up Islam, but she continued to deny giving up her faith despite the pain she endured so strongly. He ended up stabbing her so painfully that she ended up martyred. Thus, Sumayyah bint Khayyat became the first martyr of Islam, and became a symbol to not only all the Muslim women who would follow her, but also to Muslim men as well. She is a symbol of strength, courage, bravery, and faith. She is a battle against the image that Muslim women are oppressed, for her death resists the idea that Muslim women do not have a choice to choose Islam. May Allah grant Sumayyah bint Khayyat the highest level of heaven.


4. Fatima al-Fihri

Fatima al-Fihri is the founder of world’s first ever university. She was born in Tunisia into a wealthy family, her father was a successful businessman and had one sister named Mariam. They were a pious, well-educated family with great social standing and eventually moved west to Morocco. Both Fatima and Mariam were greatly invested in community betterment and set to work in Fes, Morocco. When their father passed away, they inherited a fortune and dedicated their lives to disseminating Islamic arts, religious learning, and architecture. Mariam went on to found the al-Andalus Mosque, while Fatima set her sights on constructing the Qarawiyyin Mosque.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the Qarawiyyin Mosque is the oldest University in the world because of its degree-granting status in the context of its era. The university thrived on the intelligent and dedicated individuals to study Islamic theology (and develop political and social interactions) there in order to assume administrative positions. Some of the notable student there were Muhammad al-Idris and Ibn Khaldun.

Fatima al-Fihri puts to notion the rest that education is secondary for Muslim women. Her life also speaks volumes about the contribution of Muslim women to Islam and Islamic history as we know it today. Fatima al-Fihri is pivotal to Islam, not just because she was the founder of an institution that is running to date, but because she represents exactly the kind of Muslim woman we strive to be: Pious, well-intentioned, generous, educated, empowered, and productive.


Written by Retno Larasati for Learn Quran, 2017

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