Author : Denny Yusuf

Quality Assurance Tester Vacancy


We are looking for a quality assurance tester as a teammate. We don’t require any degree, though it’s good if you have. A highly passionate fresh grad is welcome.


  1. Be a quality assurance for Learn Quran products and web-based apps
  2. Ensure the quality of your software
  3. Creation and execution of manual test cases
  4. Identify/work with the developers on the creation of test data needed for execution
  5. Resolve defects with the team and prevent their reoccurrence
  6. Collaborate with other team members to define, design, and ship new releases
  7. Create technical and test case documents


  1. Good attitudes
  2. Thorough, detailed, and sharp in finding defects in-app
  3. Have UI/UX knowledge
  4. Experienced in web & mobile application development projects as a quality assurance

Good to have:

  1. Tajwid knowledge
  2. Accounting knowledge
  3. English proficiency
  4. Educations on related field
  5. Live near our office


  1. Islamic environment
  2. Salary IDR 3,5-10,5 million/month
  3. Flexible working time & place (yes, you can work anytime & anywhere you want! )
  4. Negotiable working hours (between 25 – 40 hours/week)
  5. 50 LQTajwid Pro+ vouchers (worth IDR9.950.000)
  6. Our office is in Code Margonda, Depok Town Square

How to Apply:

  • Before 7 June 2020 23.55, send to [email protected] your:
    1. CV or a link to your online profile (e.g. LinkedIn),
    2. academic transcript, if you have.
  • Include other relevant things (e.g. portfolio) that you have.
  • Write on the email title Applying Quality Assurance Tester.
  • The sooner you apply, the better your chance.

Got questions? Contact [email protected]

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Imsak and Iftar Timings Ramadan 2020/1441H

To save these imsak and iftar timings:

  1. click/touch to enlarge it
  2. right click/long press the image
  3. choose download/save as

If you use Android phone, you can make it shown on your Home Screen to see it easier with a help of an app widget. Search the app in the Play Store with keyword “picture widget”.

These timings are designed to be easy to use and great looking on phone.

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Jadwal Imsakiah Romadhon Tahun 2020/1441H

Untuk menyimpan jadwal imsakiah:

  1. Sentuh/Klik jadwal yang ingin Anda simpan untuk memperbesarnya
  2. Sentuh lama/Klik kanan gambarnya
  3. Pilih download/save as

Jika Anda menggunakan HP Android, Anda bisa membuatnya ada di Home Screen Anda agar lebih mudah melihatnya dengan bantuan aplikasi. Cari aplikasinya di Play Store dengan kata “photo widget”.

Jadwal imsakiah ini dibuat khusus agar mudah digunakan dan terlihat bagus di HP.

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Quality Assurance Tester Vacancy


We are looking for a quality assurance tester for an accounting software as a teammate. We don’t require any degree, though it’s good if you have. Highly passionate fresh grad is welcome.


  1. Be a quality assurance for a web-based app
  2. Ensure the quality of your software
  3. Creation and execution of manual test cases
  4. Identify/work with developer on the creation of test data needed for execution
  5. Resolve defects with the team and prevent their reoccurrence
  6. Educate your team about accounting 
  7. Collaborate with other team members to define, design, and ship new releases


  1. Good attitudes
  2. Thorough, detailed, and sharp in finding defects in app
  3. Experienced in web application development projects as a quality assurance

Good to have:

  1. Have design skills
  2. Educations on related field
  3. Live near our office
  4. Accounting or information technology degree (understanding basic principles of accounting is a must for the latter)


  1. Islamic environment
  2. Salary IDR 2.5-7.5 million/month
  3. Flexible working time & place (yes, you can work anytime & anywhere you want! )
  4. Negotiable working hours (between 25 – 40 hours/week)
  5. 50 LQTajwid Pro (worth IDR7,450,000) vouchers
  6. Our office is in Code Margonda, Depok Town Square

How to Apply:

  • Before 26 January 2020, send to [email protected] your:
    1. CV or a link to your online profile (e.g. LinkedIn),
    2. academic transcript, if you have.
  • Include other relevant things (e.g. portfolio) that you have.
  • Write on the email title Applying Quality Assurance Tester.
  • The sooner you apply, the better your chance.

Got questions? Contact [email protected]

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Web Developer Vacancy


We are looking for a web developer as a teammate. We don’t require any degree, though it’s good if you have. Highly passionate fresh grad is welcome.


  1. Be a web software engineer for a web-based app
  2. Ensure the quality of your software
  3. Collaborate with other team members to define, design, and ship new releases


  1. Good attitudes
  2. Experienced in PHP language
  3. Experienced in Laravel
  4. Experienced in at least 1 or more front-end Javascript framework (Vue.js, Angular.js, or React)
  5. Minimum 1 year of experience developing web-based app

Good to have:

  1. Educations on related field
  2. Experienced in Vue.js (is a plus)
  3. Understand basic principles of accounting (is a big plus)
  4. Proficient at using Git
  5. Live near our office
  6. Proficient at Agile methodology
  7. Knowledge of web technologies and UI/UX standards


  1. Islamic environment
  2. Salary IDR 3.5-10.5 million/month
  3. Flexible working time & place (yes, you can work anytime & anywhere you want! )
  4. Negotiable working hours (between 30 – 40 hours/week)
  5. 50 LQTajwid Pro (worth IDR7,450,000) vouchers
  6. Our office is in Code Margonda, Depok Town Square

How to Apply:

  • Before 26 January 2020, send to [email protected] your:
    1. CV or a link to your online profile (e.g. LinkedIn),
    2. academic transcript, if you have.
  • Include other relevant things (e.g. portfolio) that you have.
  • Write on the email title Applying Web Developer.
  • The sooner you apply, the better your chance.

Got questions? Contact [email protected]

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Lowongan Sales Staff


Barang Amal (BA) adalah bagian dari Learn Quran yang bergerak di bagian pengumpulan dan penjualan barang bekas. Bagi kami, BA adalah pekerjaan dunia akhirat dengan tujuan untuk:

  1. menjadi solusi anti mubazir dengan memfasilitasi masyarakat menyedekahkan barang-barangnya yang sudah tak mereka pakai;
  2. meringankan hisab harta kita yang kelak akan ditanya dipergunakan untuk apa;
  3. membantu masjid dan organisasi Islam dengan memberikan sebagian besar keuntungan penjualan barang-barang bekas tersebut kepada masjid dan organisasi Islam; dan
  4. menciptakan lapangan kerja bagi ummat Islam dengan berjalannya program ini yang dikerjakan oleh banyak tenaga kerja muslim.

Kami membutuhkan seorang karyawan untuk bekerja di Divisi Sales untuk membantu Chief of Sales kami.



  1. Akhlak yang baik
  2. Bisa matematika sederhana
  3. Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
  4. Teliti
  5. Bisa menggunakan laptop (Microsoft Excel dan internet browser) dan smartphone


Lebih Disukai:

  1. Memiliki pengalaman sebagai sales atau marketing
  2. Tinggal di dekat kantor kami (Depok Town Square)
  3. Kepribadian ramah
  4. Bisa mengemudi, baik motor maupun mobil



  1. Sorting Barang
    1. Memilah-milih barang berdasarkan kondisi dan kategori
    2. Pendataannya
  2. Toko Online & Media Sosial
    1. Posting barang dan deskripsinya di e-commerce (seperti BukaLapak & Tokopedia) dan media sosial (seperti Instagram)
    2. Mengirim barang
    3. Menangani chat calon pembeli
  3. Bazaar
    1. Menangani bazaar
    2. Menjaga lapak di bazaar



  1. Balasan dari Allah SWT jika ikhlas
  2. Gaji Rp 4.000.000/bulan
  3. Tambahan gaji sampai dengan Rp 2.000.000/bulan jika kinerja baik
  4. Bisa mengikuti kelas Bahasa Arab Qurani pekanan
  5. Lingkungan kerja yang Islami إِنْ شَآءَ الله
  6. Jam kerja dapat disesuaikan (30-40 jam per pekan)


Cara Mendaftar:

  1. Sebelum 2 November 2019, kirimkan CV atau link LinkedIn Anda ke [email protected] dengan subjek: “Lowongan Staf Sales BA – (nama Anda)”
  2. Lebih cepat Anda mendaftar, lebih tinggi peluang Anda terima.


Pertanyaan dapat ditanyakan ke [email protected]

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#LQMeet – Ust. Salim A Fillah

.Ust Salim

Abu al-Darda’ (Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “The scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets”. To this day, many Islamic scholars still give us free Islamic knowledge in our neighborhood. Since our vision is to create the best tech solution to Learn the Quran, Learn Quran is also cannot be separated from those scholars.

On Sunday, July 29th, 2018 at Darussalam Mosque Kota Wisata, Bogor, Learn Quran Team met Ust. Salim A. Fillah (, a renowned Indonesian Muslim scholar which have written many Islamic books that very popular in Indonesia. We introduced the Learn Quran Tajwid and Learn Quran Tafsir apps to Ust. Salim. He believes that digital innovation should be used for good things, and one of that is for da’wah.

He is also very grateful in the existence of Learn Quran Tafsir, “A great thing for familiarizing ourselves with the Quran.”.

With our two products: Learn Quran Tajwid and Learn Quran Tafsir, Learn Quran is aiming to provide ummah with the best tech solution in Quran learning, so people can read (Tajwid) and understand (Tafsir) Quran both more easily with our apps.

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Vacancy: Web Developer

In order to help ummah learn to recite the Quran better, Learn Quran Tajwid want to connect Quran teachers and students all over the world with its new web feature. We also want to improve this website (, to make it more suitable for representing our products. The ideal candidate is a web developer with experience with WordPress platform and Laravel framework. The contract is project-based with 2 months estimated time of work. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.


  1. Have good manners (اخلاق حميدة)
  2. Minimum 1-year experience in web development
  3. Experienced in Laravel
  4. Concern on quality

Good to have:

  1. Good knowledge about Quran
  2. Good knowledge of artificial intelligence & natural language processing
  3. A good sense of UI/UX
  4. Experienced in React


  1. Salary range: IDR 4.5-9 million per month
  2. Flexible working time
  3. Negotiable working hours (between 30 – 40 hours/week)
  4. Islamic working environment
  5. 100 Learn Quran Tajwid Pro voucher

Send your CV and portfolio to [email protected] before April, 21st, 2017. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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