Author : Mohamad Sani

Vacancy: Chief Marketing Officer

Logo LQTajwid

Learn Quran Tajwid (LQTajwid)’s mission is to provide the best tool to learn to recite Quran. LQTajwid has been used by more than 2 million people in more than 150 countries. For us, working in LQ is dunya and akhirah work. For more information, visit

We are looking for a growth hacker who can spread LQTajwid to more muslims, especially to those who are not reached organically. Internet marketing expertise will be very strategic for you to succeed, though offline strategies are also feasible. We do not require any degree, though it is good if you have. All we care about is your akhlak & competence.

You will work directly under our CEO. Our graphic designer and product team are also here if you need help. You can propose marketing budgets by making sure it is worthy.

This is your chance to do ‘amal jariyyah by making thousands/millions of people learn Al-Qur’an! This is your chance to have a portfolio on a leading international product! This is not an exaggeration, just find out about our products. With IDR 0 marketing budget and no sales/marketing personnel, every day we achieve more than 6000 active users + millions of rupiah of revenue organically. Can you imagine how many times it will scale if we do marketing!


  1. Increase awareness, user, and revenue
  2. Develop and execute marketing strategies
  3. Make business partnerships

Must Have:

  1. Love Al-Qur’an
  2. Good attitudes
  3. Great on Sales and Marketing
  4. 1-year experience in related Sales or Marketing job
  5. Strong IT literacy
  6. Can learn & adapt quickly to this job
  7. Excellent English & Indonesian languages
  8. Good initiative and communication
  9. Smart & high-quality professional

Good to Have:

  1. Experience in marketing jobs for software products
  2. Understand internet marketing tools (Google Analytics, Google Ads, etc.)
  3. Educations on related fields
  4. Creative (can produce good ideas)
  5. Good sense of visual design
  6. Extensive knowledge about Quran
  7. Understand Arabic, French, and/or Chinese languages
  8. Good copy-writing skills
  9. Live near our office


  1. A great ‘amal jariyyah إِنْ شَآءَ الله if you’re ikhlas
  2. Flexible working time (you literally can work anytime you want)
  3. Flexible working place (we do not have office routine schedule; we only go to office when needed)
  4. Salary = IDR 8 – 24 million/month (for 40 working hours per week)
  5. Negotiable working hours between 10 – 40 hours/week (you can work part-time if you want)
  6. 100 LQTajwid Pro+ (worth IDR 21,890,000)
  7. Our office is in Depok Town Square UI Works
  8. Continuous learning opportunities
  9. If you have proven yourself a great person:
    1. profit sharing scheme
    2. a chance to be a Director
    3. a chance to get the company share
  10. Islamic work environment

How to Apply:

  • Make sure you qualify all the “Must Have” above. You will not be accepted if there is even one that is not fulfilled. Do not waste your & our time.
  • at last 4 Oct 2020, send to [email protected] your:
    1. CV or a link to your profile online (e.g. LinkedIn),
    2. Proofs that you are capable for this job,
    3. Proofs of excellent English proficiency (e.g. TOEFL certificate),
    4. an essay (max. 500 words) explaining your motivations and why you are the right person, and
    5. academic transcript if you have.
  • Include other relevant things (e.g. portfolio). The more right information you give, the better your chance.
  • Write on the email title Applying Chief Marketing Officer.
  • The sooner you apply, the better your chance.

P.S. If you pass the CV-selection phase, there will be a test of “How will you increase user and revenue of LQTajwid?” You can prepare it from now 😉 to have great programs since you will be selected only if you’re great

Got questions? Contact [email protected]

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Marketing Executive Vacancy

Learn Quran Tajwid (LQTajwid)’s mission is to provide the best solution to learn to recite Quran. Using the power of IT, LQTajwid have been used by more than 1.5 million people in more than 150 countries. For us, working in LQ is dunya and akhirah work. For more information, visit

We are looking for a growth hacker who can spread LQTajwid to more muslims worldwide. Internet marketing expertise will be very important for you to succeed. We don’t require any degree, though it’s good if you have. Fresh grad with high passion is welcome 

You will get a highly credible mentor and marketing budget to help your work. Our graphic designer, product manager and other team members will also help you.

Join us to make impact on international products that are used by thousands of people every day!


  1. Increase page views, downloads, and revenue
  2. Run marketing campaigns
  3. Develop and evaluate marketing strategies
  4. Manage budget correctly
  5. Make business partnerships
  6. Collaborate with LQTajwid team


  1. Good attitudes
  2. Smart/Great on marketing
  3. Strong IT literacy
    • You don’t need to be able to make website nor any software. What we mean is you must be familiar with social media, internet, mobile apps, and other relevant ITs.
  4. Excellent English & copywriting skills
  5. Good on execution
  6. Analytical thinker, comfortable evaluating your works and improve its outcomes

Good to have:

  1. Good knowledge about Quran
  2. Experiences on Facebook ads, Google ads, and the likes
  3. Educations on related field
  4. Creative/Have many ideas
  5. Good sense of visual design
  6. Don’t have husband/wife and child


  1. Islamic environment
  2. Salary IDR 3–6 million/month
  3. 25% profit sharing (the more you sell, the more you get )
  4. A chance to be a Director and get the company share if you’re a right one
  5. Flexible working time & place (yes, you can work anytime & anywhere you want! )
  6. Negotiable working hours (between 25 – 40 hours/week)
  7. 100 LQTajwid Pro (worth IDR 14,900,000) vouchers
  8. Our office is in Depok Town Square

How to Apply:

  • Before 7 July 2019, send to [email protected] your:
    1. CV or a link to your online profile (e.g. LinkedIn),
    2. an essay explaining your motivations and why you’re the right person,
    3. academic transcript, if you have.
  • Include other relevant things (e.g. portfolio, TOEFL certificate) that you have.
  • Write on the email title Applying Marketing Executive.
  • The sooner you apply, the better your chance.

Got questions? Contact [email protected]

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Mencari Apa Pun yang Ingin Anda Ketahui di Quran

… Dan Kami turunkan Kitab (Al-Quran) kepadamu untuk menjelaskan segala sesuatu, sebagai petunjuk, serta rahmat dan kabar gembira bagi orang-orang muslim.” (QS An-Nahl: 89)


Agar Al-Quran menjadi petunjuk untuk kita, maka kita perlu mempelajari/memahaminya, hanya sekedar tilawah saja termasuk mengabaikan Al-Quran kata Ibnul Qoyyim menafsirkan QS Al-Furqon:30. Dan Al-Quran bisa menjelaskan segala sesuatu. Namun, tak semua orang punya ilmu untuk menggali Al-Quran yang luar biasa dalam dan luas. Mereka yang punya ilmu tersebut adalah ulama tafsir Quran. Karena luasnya Al-Quran, para ulama bahkan bisa menafsirkan Al-Quran yang sama dari berbagai sudut pandang. Contoh: mayoritas metodologi Tafsir Ibnu Katsir adalah menukil Nabi SAW dan para sahabat; Tafsir Imam Qurtubi lebih bernuansa sastra, budaya, dan kemasyarakatan; sedangkan tafsir Fi Zhilalil Quran lebih bernuansa sosial politik; bahkan banyak ayat-ayat Quran yang bisa digali untuk IPTek modern; sampai-sampai struktur dan format Quran saja bisa menjelaskan banyak hal yang bermanfaat bagi kita.


Selama ini, para ulama menuangkan “galian” Quran mereka ke dalam bentuk buku, yang kita kenal dengan buku tafsir. Permasalahannya:

  1. buku tafsir biasanya sangat tebal. Tafsir Ibnu Katsir contohnya, sekitar 6000 halaman. Ini baru 1 tafsir, jika kita ingin berbagai sudut pandang kita perlu banyak tafsir, berapa puluh/ratus ribu halaman totalnya…
  2. karena sangat tebal, biaya cetaknya pun mahal. Tafsir Ibnu Katsir contohnya, 1 set lengkap 30 juz harganya Rp 5 juta. Jika ingin tafsir-tafsir lainnya juga, berapa puluh juta kita harus merogoh dompet…


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