Nur Fajri Romadhon, Lc
Nur Fajri Romadhon is a hafizh with exceptional skill and knowledge expertise in Quran recitation, tafsir, and Islamic law. In 2016, he graduated from Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University with the ‘Best Graduate’ award as a recognition for his numerous achievements during his college years. Currently, he is pursuing his master degree at King Abdulaziz University, while managing the organization that he co-founded, BISA Learning Center. Recently, he was selected and active as a committee member of the Fatwa Commission of Majelis Ulama Indonesia (Indonesian Islamic Scholars’ Council) Jakarta after has been appointed as a member of Majelis Tarjih & Tajdid of Muhammadiyah in Depok City.
Beside memorizing some mutun (small books as abstracts of particular Islamic sciences) he also has sanads (certifications) of Qiraa-at Al ‘Asyr (all 10 ways of reading Quran) which its shortest chain is 29 persons between him and the beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing upon the prophet, primary books of hadith and other books.
He plays an important role at Learn Quran as a Shariah Director who actively advise the content development of Learn Quran Tafsir as well as a narrator of Learn Quran Tajwid.